Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Remain Pure and Holy and You Will Have Access to the Discernment Provided by the Holy Spirit, Who Will Then Protect You from Making False Steps

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on September 13, 2024


Reading: Jeremiah 51:44 - and more

Here are some excerpts :

51, 45 "Come out of the midst of Babylon (false Church) and let each one save his Life by escaping the fierce anger of the Lord!"

51, 46 “ Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let ye be afraid of the rumors that go forth in the land. ...Violence shall reign in the land, and one ruler shall rise against another ruler."

51, 47 "Therefore, behold, the days are coming when I will punish the idols of Babylon. And all the land will be covered with shame;"

51, 50 "You who have escaped the sword, go, do not delay! From the distant land think of the Lord. And may Jerusalem (the Church) be present in your hearts! (And your life)”

Word of Jesus Christ:

"In these days of pain and great anxiety, when threats, lies and apparent but well-planned political disorder are on the increase, I bless you from the Almighty God who dwells in you: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness. With you I also bless all your brothers, My children who walk confidently and steadfastly on the same path where I call you and lead you.

"The Lord is a God who renders to every man according to his works, who pays to every man his wages." Jeremiah 51:56

My children, spared, and only just for some of you, do not rejoice in the punishment that these misguided, impious and soul-destroying people are experiencing. Pray rather, out of charity for those who could pull themselves together and, in sincere contrition, could cry out to God!

Pray to console God, the Virgin Mary, your Mother, and all Heaven, for the loss of God's beloved children, for whom we suffer and hope to save them.

Pray, grateful and giving thanks for having had, from God, from yours and from the communion of saints, the Light, the Word and the support to remain strong in the Faith.

Pray that the Church of Christ, the One, True and Holy, may quickly reunite and remain in sincere Christian and fraternal solidarity.

Pray that your brothers in Christ's Church, having great responsibilities, remain fervent and supported by all of you, in all places and at all times, hear and do God's Will, in all confidence.

My children whom I call, I urge you to purify yourselves, to free yourselves further; enter definitively, without doubt or return, into the Body of Christ, your Salvation.

This path, which you still have to travel, must only be done in My Divine Will. All that is not of God, all that might keep you in falsehood and harm you, all that you see and hear with horror and apprehension for your life and soul, all will be destroyed, removed from the children of God.

I have given you My Life, My Word and, with and through My Church, I have remained in you. I have sent you messengers, saints and prophets to prepare you for the return to the Eternal Father. Remain pure and holy and you will have access to the discernment provided by the Holy Spirit, who will then protect you from making false steps.

Fear not for your own, pray for them that they may follow you in the joy of being loved. Do not forget those without family, the destitute and isolated; may they be in Christian brotherhood through your charity.

Let your gaze be pure and clear, so you will not lose sight of Christ who leads you, since I will never abandon you, My Love is Eternal.

Jesus Christ"

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

SEPTEMBER 14, 2024

Source: ➥
