Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Let Go of This World That Must Go. Believe in God Who Brings You Together and Leads You in Peace to His House of Love, Light and Holiness

Message from Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on August 29, 2024 - Memorial Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Forerunner of the Messiah


As soon as breakfast was over, I was getting ready to do the work that had been waiting for me for a few days, the Virgin Mary came to me and said, “Go quickly to My Son, He needs you.”

“At the request of Your Mother, Mary Immaculate, here I am”.

Word of Jesus Christ:

"My all precious and so good daughter of Love, of Light and of Holiness, be welcomed under the blessings of My Mother and of Me Jesus."

Time is pressing us and you. Yet you don't really see it since most of the people who hear the messages, coming from Me and My Mother, are still doubting, prevaricating and spreading doubt or else, in their haughty grandiloquent attitudes, they take the liberty of judging and condemning My faithful prophets by accusing them of what they themselves do: deceive and lie.

Tell My little ones so beloved that they remain huddled, safe, in Our United Hearts of Mary Co-Redemptrix and Jesus Redeemer.

That which very soon will shake the earth and the hearts of all men comes from the Eternal Father and will mark the non-return and the end of reprieves. Let your soul be ready and let your good will assert itself sheltered and in union in the Divine Will.

Know that it is the schism of the Church, thus unveiling the captive Church of Christ, which slyly endures and causes true Christians to suffer and insults God, that will precipitate the End Times. Satan's battle against the People of God will then be revealed more clearly.

Satan in his pride will have wounded, divided mankind and insulted his Creator, Infinitely Good Eternal Father. He is the cause of the evil that has invaded the world and the loss of countless souls.

On the other hand, he will have to admit that none of his covetous plans are coming to fruition. Those who walk in the illusions of unrealistic lies will have as their ransom eternal flames in the form they choose by their actions.

My Gentle and Wise Mother, your Mother so attentive in all that concerns you, has given you advice and directives preparing you for the final stage of the Apocalypse. A stage that will be difficult and demanding for you, due to all the tribulations announced and their duration, which will seem interminable.

You must then, children of Our United Hearts, remain bound and confident in God's Love and in the Promise of His Divine Protection. Faith, Hope and Charity are an all-powerful refuge invulnerable to Evil.

Of course you hear and will hear so many discouraging speeches and analyses where confusion, wickedness and oppression lodge, especially on you Christians. Satan's ambition is to leave with Creation, including all God's children.

Of course, you see and suffer, in certain cases and measures, the abominations and tribulations of the End. The tares must be completely destroyed. You rub shoulders with this tares, but you are not the tares (of this world).

Let go of this world that must go. Believe in God who brings you together and leads you in peace to His House of Love, Light and Holiness (of perfection).

I'll say to Our Loving Father, "See Father, I'm bringing the children back, not one is missing".

Jesus Christ,

in the fulfillment of the Promise".

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

AUGUST 29, 2024

Source: ➥
