Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Time Is Up, I Must Educate You in the Things of God!

Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 7, 2024


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I bless you, My children.

My children, I am here in your midst, even today eagerly waiting for you to embrace you tight, tight, tight to My Chest.

My children, you must keep yourselves strong in faith in Christ Jesus My Son, the time that will now manifest will be a time of great sorrow for many. You, My children, must stand firm in faith and give comfort to those who unfortunately have not wanted to accept God's Love, those who have denied Him, those who have turned away from Him in order to prefer the things of this world.

Beloved children, you have come to the time foretold by Revelation, the Holy Scriptures had announced these times, what you are knowing today has already been revealed.

My children, I love you with all My Heart, I want to see you happy, Jesus has prepared for you a new time, a new life full of wonders in His new world, where you will be sheltered to enjoy eternally the beauties He has created.

Soon He will manifest Himself in this place, in this Grotto: ...He will open the door wide! ...The wait is short, My children, do not be impatient, when this event happens you will be here, you will all be present at the opening of the gate, you will be embraced by your King of kings, by the Most High, by the One who will open wide His arms and say to you: come, My children, come blessed ones of the Lord, come, I welcome you into My Chest, I welcome you all into Me to delight in Me.

Oh, My beloved children, My Heart so desires the salvation of all God's children, therefore, soon I will come to your rescue, ...the time has come!

The time is over, My children, I must meet you to educate you in the Things of God! To make known to you the secrets of God and the beauties to which you will go after the defeat of Satan.

I delight you with My love, I am here in your midst, I embrace you, I imprint the sign of the cross on your hearts!

Beloved children, take this sign to your homes, mark your loved ones, tell them that Jesus and Mary love them so much, that the Most Holy Trinity longs for this union with you in Heaven.

I bless you again, I hold you by the hand, I join My Hands to your hands, I join them to yours in prayerful supplication to My Son Jesus so that He anticipates His return to Earth. Amen

Source: ➥
