Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Love Unconditionally. Love All. Abandonment of Yourself Must Be a Daily Offering to My Son

Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on September 1, 2024


Our Lady asked that the first message She gave at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Emmitsburg, Maryland on November 3, 1994, be posted again. I asked Her why and She responded.

“There are far too many expectations on people. This results in impatience, bitterness, and hatred.”

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

My little ones, I am your Lady of Joy. I bring you tidings of love and peace.

My little, little children, love unconditionally. Strive always to abandon yourself unconditionally to God so that you can love unconditionally. Do not allow self-deceit to pull you away from My Son. Even when you think you are loving in purity as Jesus would want you to love, you can fall into loving according to your standards.

Love unconditionally. Love all. Abandonment of yourself must be a daily offering to My Son, so that you can love in purity, unconditionally, as Jesus would want you to love.

It is in love that you are united to the Triune God.

Bless you, My little ones. Bless you, in the name of Jesus.


Thank you for responding to My call.

Ad Deum

Source: ➥
