Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, June 7, 2024

The Upheaval of Nature Is Taking Place

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on June 4, 2024


Have mercy on you, ungrateful people, have mercy on you. Remedy your errors, sin no more, convert now.

My beloved children, I am the One you will soon see, I am your Creator.

Do not condemn yourselves, My children, come forth new, accept Me in your hearts, recognize Me as your only God, ask forgiveness from Me with true repentance of heart, ...the hour is grave for this perverse Humanity.

Do not compromise yourselves with the Devil, My children, purify yourselves, so that your Creator may take you with Himself.

It has come now, the hour of My justice, I will not go beyond this time!

The upheaval of nature is taking place, the former things will pass away to make way for the new.

Now devastating earthquakes will follow without interruption!

Sudden tsunamis.

Heavy downpours and hailstorms.

Entire cities will be flooded with water!

Volcanoes will roar in unison!

Mountains will crumble!

The sun will hurl tongues of fire toward the earth!

And it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!

The Piazzale di San Marco (Venice) is about to be submerged by sea water.

Do not go against your Creator, O men, ... follow in obedience His calls for conversion, you desire to live and not to die.

Do not betray your God, O men!

Fight against Satan! Renounce his seductions!

Do not listen to bad counselors; man is imperfect.

Discern, My children, be responsible for your actions.

Be in communion with your God Love!

Love one another, be reconciled among brothers, forgive one another.

Be the image and likeness of your Lord Jesus Christ.

Be worthy children!

God the Father, the almighty Yahweh.

Source: ➥
