Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, May 20, 2024

I Help, Save, Free, Heal Anyone Who Invokes Me

Message of Mary Stella Maris to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 3, 2024


Beloved souls, consoling souls of Jesus in Gethsemane, it is ME, the Star of the Sea. Pray to Me, I will help you. In this particular revelation I present Myself with many Appellations, to remind you who I am.

Are you afflicted? Invoke Me.

Are you discouraged? INVOKE ME.

Are you in sin? Pray to Me.

Do you believe that I will not help you? I help, save, free, heal anyone who invokes Me. Are you alone? Pray to Me.

Are you afflicted, sick, lazy, challenged, lost, shaky? Pray to Me.

I help those who pray to Me and implore. I can save even hardened sinners. I can save souls near hell. It is enough to CALL ME STELLA MARIS.

You see, sin is in everyone. It disfigures.

You see, sin is in souls because Satan works on your weak points, on wounds, there HE ATTACKS.... If you do not heal them, he will know where to find fertile ground. They are openings for him. Wounds, traumas are cracks for him. Heal the wounds by praying to Me.

Satan is cunning, devious and knows where to cling to damn you. Satan is flattery, world, rebellion, hatred, envy, desecration, blasphemy, blasphemy. He is EVIL.

Satan is furious. He wants to lose souls, mislead, damn everyone. Seduce and deface souls more and more. Those who are alone will be most tempted.

Come to Me Star of the Sea, I will help you.

Follow Fatima, Brindisi, and convert to Me and Jesus more and more.

Oh Freemasonry, wild beast, what it is preparing in the Vatican!

The New World Order will be established, but then destroyed by Us of Heaven.

I bless you all, My children. Pray to Me, Amen.

Prayer to Mary Stella Maris

O Bright Star of the Sea, Mary Mother of God and my mother, come and save me from the Ungodly and Satan's heretical church. Save me from the Satanic Roman imposture. O glorious Star of the Sea convert me, heal me, deliver me, purify me, govern me. I entrust myself to You to save me from eternal Hell. Intercede for me a poor sinner in need of Your motherly forgiveness. Amen.



