Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, May 21, 2018

Whit Monday.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 5 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I have a lot to tell you today. It is urgent, My beloved children. I would like to ask you to go into prayer for the many apostate priests. You can no longer stand by and watch My Son be disgraced to the utmost.

I the Heavenly Father have already raised My cup of wrath. Your dearest and Heavenly Mother has tried to pull down My raised arm. It is not possible, for even the Catholic Christians insult Me in the Trinity and also the Heavenly Mother. In recent times there is still an increase of evil.

I, the Heavenly Father love My Catholic Christians who profess Me and the supernatural. But they are insulted and harassed in the worst way. They are insulted in a malicious way because they are willing to testify to the faith. They risk their lives for it, even though they pray for their enemies.

My beloved children are ready to sacrifice everything for Me, the Triune God. My enemies, on the other hand, live out their lives in this world and now not only defile themselves but also the houses of God. I, the Heavenly Father, can no longer tolerate this. I must put a stop to this. Satan in men has ventured too far out .

I ask once again all Catholic Christians to testify to the true Catholic faith. The time of silence and toleration must come to an end.

Why don't you unite to a group of faith and confess it in public? .

Everyone who confesses Me before the Father, says the Son of God, confesses Me. My father and I are one. He who loves the Father loves Me. I am the love in three persons. And this love exists only in divinity.

You cannot find this love, my beloved ones, in the world. You must give up the many distractions you impose on yourselves not to think about your life. They harm your soul. And your souls I have bitterly bought by the death of My Divine Son.

Why do you still look at earthly things? They are all ephemeral. But your soul shall dwell in heaven forever. Focus your attention only on the heavenly. Then you also have joy in your life. You seek the pleasures in earthly things. How often have I already made you aware that you surrender yourselves completely to me, your heavenly father. I want to be with you always and I constantly crave for your available souls. I have created you, but not for hell. You are to prove yourselves on earth, so that one day you can receive the heavenly joys. I, the Heavenly Father, await your willingness to witness Me in the Trinity.

The time has come. I beg you, please do not miss any time, I am in a hurry. How many times has My beloved little daughter in My Messages enlightened you about modernism. The Devil has his plan and he wants to realize it through the Freemasons and Islam.

My beloved ones, you too love your Germany and prove it to me. I want to save it. I want to save each one of them. Be ready to go into battle for this faith struggle. If you commit yourself, your Heavenly Mother with her legions of angels can protect you. You will never be left alone. You can prove to Me that you work for heaven. The reward in eternal glory is certain for you. Everything else in your life on earth is transitory. How fast your last hour can strike. Are you then ready to stand before the eternal judgement? Do you find yourselves in the sanctifying grace? Or do you look anxiously at your death? I want to take away your fear. If you are always prepared, your fears will vanish, because I am the ruler of your soul.

Now I want to prepare you for the coming time. As you see, many signs of My near coming, written in the Apocalypse of St. John, have already occurred. The many catastrophes, the incurable serious diseases, the mass killings of small children in the mother's womb, the fornication of homosexuality, the apostasy, the earthquakes, the fire-breathing mountains, the floods and mass fires, the mass immigration, which has no end but is increasing rapidly.

My beloved children, do you still not see My omnipotence? Do you not recognize that I am the ruler of the whole world and the universe? To every man I have given free will. But many abuse this will and reach out their hands to Satan. This abuse leads to the most evil deeds. I, the Heavenly Father, want to save you from the arbitrariness of evil and therefore send My messages to the whole world.

Why is your Heavenly Mother crying in so many places? She weeps for the many priest souls and believers who deny the holiest.

Adore the Blessed Sacrament also in your hearts I want to be with you and my longing grows from day to day, yes, from hour to hour. Why do you not speak to Me? Have I become so indifferent to you? I want to be the most important thing in your lives. Every day you can receive Me in a reverent manner of Holy Communion. Come to My table, it is always prepared for you.

I, the Heavenly Father, prophesy to you that My coming is at hand I will appear in all power and majesty, No one will be able to say that this is explainable to me. My omnipotence and omnipotence cannot be fathomed, even if men wish to explain it. .

You will above all take up the worldly things of pleasure. They are not willing to make sacrifices. Today's Christian must learn this again. Strong, he lives as if there were no eternity.

My beloved ones, the time has come, it is My time First I would like to prepare you for the division of faith. I will separate the just from the unjust. A great chaos will be visible in the world.

My beloved persecuted ones, you will be looked upon because you bear witness to the true faith. You will be envied for the sake of faith. You are the pioneers of true faith. One will be able to read through you what the purpose of life should contain.

Through my beloved believers true miracles of grace will happen. They cannot be explained to all, though men will try to fathom them. Only with the supernatural will they be compatible. .

My beloved believers, do not develop unnecessary fears, for heaven is protecting you in this crisis of faith. You will be strengthened by your testimony which you give for faith to others who do not believe.

But don't forget that Satan is still trying in this last time to get the fickle ones on his side. It will not be easy for you to part from all your acquaintances and relatives who are not in the truth.

Are you looking for the truth at the modernist folk altars? You will not get any help from these priests, because they live in the world and have exchanged priestly clothes for worldly clothes. Do you want to know the truth there? You will only be further encouraged in your mistaken belief. .

Everything that happens at the grinding tables is satanic! You do not want to believe it, my beloved believers, that Satan has already taken his place there and wants to celebrate his triumph there. He still wants to reap a rich harvest. Depart from these churches, for there is no holiness happening, for which you are to strive. These priests do not give you an example, but they pull you further into the depths. .

Look around you for the only Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite so that you may be strengthened in faith. There you will find fellowship in faith. You will not feel alone. You will then be able to share your true faith. Your longing for true love will be satisfied. .

Separate yourselves from the people who want to keep you from my true love. They do not serve for your salvation. They will lead you to ruin.

How much I look after your ready souls who want to give themselves completely to Me. They are led by the Holy Spirit. They feel His power and follow Him. Even if it seems difficult for you to walk this path of faith, decide for the truth. Do not give in when people try to dissuade you.

Becomes resistant. Do not let up in your orderly life. If you make your life indifferent, the evil one will soon have his power and exercise it.

Try to set up an orderly plan of the day in order to be able to walk the path of faith. Practice renunciation and make sacrifices. Do not be intemperate, not even in eating. Not every food that tastes good will be good for your health. Keep days of fasting, they serve your health. Remember the Friday commandment. It still applies! An unnecessarily heavy weight damages your body and burdens you. Think about daily exercise, even in fresh air. Your soul needs free breathing.

Why don't you sing praises to Me or your Heavenly Mother, especially now in this May month? Your soul needs this singing in order to promote a joyfulness of your soul. .

Why are there so many depressed people today? Why is this disease particularly rampant in your Germany? Think of the former practices of faith. Everything that appeals to the human emotion, one wants to destroy and nip it in the bud.>/strong>.

The people who today openly show the feeling of the soul are called backward. And yet it delights the soul. Try it, My beloved ones, and do not forget humor. You may also laugh about your own mistakes and inaccessibility. Laughter frees the soul.

When you bring flowers to your dearest Heavenly Mother in the month of May at your home altar, your soul speaks and enjoys the depth of faith. If you are also considered naive by the other non-believers, do not pay attention to this, but be thankful that you live and witness to the faith. You are my beloved ones and the dearest of your Heavenly Mother. Look at her loveliness, which should impress you. Have I not created her wonderfully for you? She teaches you the Divine. Let your soul shine in the light of the Holy Spirit. .

This Spirit of God has flooded you in these days of Pentecost. You will feel it in the next days because he has flowed into you since you were ready to receive him. In the nine days of the Pentecost Novena you have prepared yourselves. I thank you for this willingness.

How do I love your souls in purity after a worthy Holy Confession? You will never become perfect and sinless because you are not perfect. But a holy confession serves to purify the soul. You have prepared yourselves and now you can experience the joys of Pentecost. You are of one mind and respect one another in faith. This strengthens each other for the time to come. Be prepared to prepare yourselves to also keep the fear of God.

Receive not only the seven gifts, but also the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit They are to accompany and strengthen you in the time to come.

For today I bless you now with the power of the Holy Spirit the protection of the dear Mother of God and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are my witnesses, because I send you into this world, which has already lost the true faith. You will spread the faith strengthened, because it will spread into the whole world.


