Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Seventh Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed in golden glittering light. The bouquet was again decorated with many small pearls and diamonds as well as the mantle of the Mother of God.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, on this seventh Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only My words.

My beloved followers, My beloved little band, My beloved friends and enemies of Heroldsbach and of Wigratzbad. Also you, my enemies, I address today.

You, My little flock and followers, will be sent like lambs among the false prophets, among the ravening wolves, here in Wigratzbad and also there in Heroldsbach. Today you are especially connected with the place of grace of your dearest mother, with Heroldsbach. There are also my enemies as well as in Wigratzbad. And for these enemies you pray and atone. Unfortunately, they have developed to tearing wolves. They are the false prophets not you, My beloved children.

You, My little one, with your little band, are called a false prophetess. One would like to protect this place of prayer in Wigratzbad from your small flock, because it conveys false prophecy. No, My beloved ones, I send you among these ravening wolves. You have entered this battle. You fight for me, for the Trinity and your dearest mother, who accompanies you in this fight.

You are exposed to evil. This does not mean that you succumb to evil, because I protect you. You would not only be persecuted at this place Wigratzbad, but you would be killed. You are assured of full protection. But pay attention to the false prophets. They want to persecute you in such a way that you never enter this place Wigratzbad again. But I wish it so that you sanctify this place Wigratzbad daily. He is desecrated by these false prophets. The leader and also his deacon in bondage to him have become false prophets and ravening wolves. They want to destroy you as well as the prayer and pilgrimage place of My dearest Mother. They want to destroy them and that is why I send you into battle. You will win with the dearest Blessed Mother. One does not believe in this victory. Completely one would like to destroy, annihilate and tear down this place of pilgrimage. But your Heavenly Father will not permit this.

This great place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad has a very special mission and this mission, My beloved little flock, you have taken over. This is not understandable. Neither you can understand it nor the enemies in Wigratzbad. You are on the wrong side. They do not recognize the truth. They proclaim untruth and live uncleanness. You stand for justice, and you will triumph in this justice. Victory is certain if you continue to be prepared to endure this struggle with all its consequences. They continue to persecute you, they disregard you, they even want to mistreat you. The hatred that is directed at you from Wigratzbad will grow ever greater until I destroy Satan. I will not let him rave for much longer. He rages and wants to destroy everything that surrenders to him - in Satanism. Yes, My children, you have heard correctly. Satanism has even entered there. You cannot explain this because the Freemasons want to achieve victory there. Everything that submits to Satan, that is, obeys the Freemasons, is in Satanism.

This, My place of prayer, is to be destroyed to the foundations. The Church of Atonement was redesigned according to the wishes of the Freemasons. That was certainly not my wish and plan either. In a certain sense, I still let the wicked man rage. But soon he lost his power. And I, the Heavenly Father, with My beloved children there, will arrange everything according to My plan. That is certain. You do not yet see it, my beloved little flock and followers. Rich fruit you have brought Me, your dearest Heavenly Father.

I reject him who does not believe in me and does not fulfill my will, him I despise. And these are the false prophets and your enemies. Watch out for this false brood. Brood of Satan surrounds you. If you could recognize the hatred that opposes you there, you would not be able to go there again. But it is still my wish and will that you appear there, although the hatred is growing ever greater. Satan continues to rage out against you. But you will not succumb to him. My little children I protect, and dearest Mother of God will take you under her saving cloak. All angels will accompany you on this daily atonement path.

Today, on this day, My Heroldsbacher children are on the road. Tomorrow they will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass there in the hollow. This is My fruit, My beloved false prophets. Can you see this? No, certainly not. You are on the other side. Between my friends and my enemies an unbridgeable wall has been built. That is, he who lives in grave sin is separated from me. Can a priest who is in grave sin and separated from Me celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass validly? No! He obeys evil and lives evil. Satan rules in him. And from that I will protect you. You do not succumb to this evil. But you live in this world and are exposed to this evil despite everything. If I would not protect you, My beloved children, you would succumb to this hatred. You could not bear it, because with human discretion you cannot imagine in the least how this hatred is expressed and spread.

I love you beyond all measure, My beloved little flock, My followers and those who do My will in its entirety, not a part of My desires, but My will completely. They are to give themselves completely to me. I will stand by them in every situation. But if they do not take up this fight and remain silent in this time, they are not my friends, because they are lukewarm. You My beloved ones who are on My side, you must learn to fight. You will not succumb to the fight if you continue to fight courageously. All the angels are placed at your side. But continue to go into battle. You have already brought forth abundant fruit. Is not the following in the hollow rich fruit in this hardest time, where you are persecuted to the highest degree? And yet you believe and bear witness to the true faith and proclaim the truth. You know no human fears in that sense, because you stand in my power, in the divine power.

You have been dragged before the courts. In every situation you are ready to testify. You spare no effort and no work, but you know only the will of your Heavenly Father, for He is the Alpha and the Omega for you. You love me, and you prove it to me. I will protect you.

And so I bless you today on this Sunday, July 12, the day of your dearest Heavenly Mother in Heroldsbach, with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I love you and protect you from these raging wolves. Amen.


