Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Third Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The sacrificial altar was especially surrounded by angels, the cherubim and seraphim. The altar of Mary shone in golden light, as did the bouquet of roses that we gave to the Blessed Mother on this day.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little one, now you are in My House of Glory for a week. You had to spend four weeks in the hospital in Wangen. You had to go through one exhausting examination after the other. But it was my will. Often you did not believe that it is I who had to demand the utmost of you. Why, my little one? Because they do not believe me, because they deny the Godhead, because they do not want to acknowledge me as God and man, not even from the supreme shepherd, from the Holy See. There the deity is most denied. The human being is in the foreground. The human being is important. With all his desires he must be satisfied.

And I, the Heavenly Father, am waiting for these priests, for these cardinals, archbishops and bishops and above all for this lost and confused Francis. You think he's not normal. Yes, he has already lost his mind. He preaches things and puts them into the world, which he himself cannot answer for.

Because he denies My Godhead, he has become an antichrist, a heretic. He obeys the freemasons completely. It is in their clutches. What they want, he carries out, and not my will and my desires he pursues. I leave him to his free will. You will see, my beloved ones, how far he comes with his own will. He is not My Supreme Shepherd. In fact, he has never been.

He now calls himself 'Father Bergoglio'. Is that right, My beloved ones? He says: He is the father of all. - He is the father of men whom he leads astray, into confusion. These believers do not even feel that he is lying in untruth, that he is putting this confusion into the world and is seducing people into unbelief. He preaches unbelief, he preaches confusion and he denies my divinity. This is bad, because it must be atoned for. I have already had to re-nominate many atonement souls, because otherwise this grave sin cannot be atoned for.

And now, My beloved ones, he has destroyed My Fatima, the shrine of My dearest Mother. This president of Russia wanted to consecrate his country to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother to save it. And he expressed it. What did this Francis answer? "Let's not talk about Fatima." I, Francis, prevented this consecration to the Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Conception, Mother and Queen of Victory. So he has not complied with my wishes. Thus he has committed a grave sin. I am very sad and you, My beloved ones, with Me.

One day you will be able to experience the joys of heaven. A little while longer and you will no longer see Me, and again a little while and you will see Me again in the glory of heaven, because I go to the Father. You will be grateful to have taken this suffering upon yourselves. It is almost incomprehensible what suffering you endure. But suffers it with Me and My Son Jesus Christ, whom this Francis once again crucifies, whom he scourges, whom he crowns with thorns. And this offence weighs very heavily. You must atone, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers. You are in atonement.

And you, My little one, have taken this world mission on your shoulders again. I loaded it up for you. But believe me, you will master it when you continue to devote yourself completely to my will. The utmost and heaviest I must now demand of you. You see how My Church is led astray and I want to save her with these many priests and the many bishops and cardinals whom I do not want to let sink into the eternal fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. No, I still want to save them today through your help, through your doing, through your suffering.

Thank you for agreeing with this suffering, for agreeing to carry this suffering and this cross with Me. I love you all and want to bless, protect, guide, love and rule you, with your Heavenly Mother, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, the Mother and Queen of Victory.

With all the angels and saints I bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are protected by all angels and by your Heavenly Mother. Nothing will happen to you. But believe that atonement and suffering are very important to you now. Amen.


