Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Second Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary and also the Christmas tree were bathed in glistening light. The angels were present all around and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament kneeling and floating. They also gathered around the altar of Mary and the Child Jesus. The Blessed Mother shone in a glistening golden light. Also all figures were brightly illuminated.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking to you now, this very moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little crowd, beloved followers, beloved believers from near and far, today, on this second Sunday after the apparition, I will give you an important message. Yes, My beloved ones, the time is drawing ever closer that My dearest Mother will appear in the firmament with My Son Jesus Christ.

Believe and trust! The evil one still has the power. Nor have I allowed him to lose power. But soon it will be so far that the Blessed Mother, My dearest Mother, will crush the head of the snake with you.

My beloved ones, in Wigratzbad the great event I have announced to you will take place. Many have believed in these, My messages, but some have strayed. Unfortunately, the director at that time caused a lot of trouble there at this place of grace and prayer Wigratzbad. As My messages announce, he was swept from this place. From one day to the next he had to leave this Holy Church of Atonement. Everything there was sanctified and prepared for this coming, the coming of My Son Jesus Christ. There, however, the evil one has intervened enormously. But I, the Heavenly Father, have let My omnipotence come over this My place of prayer and the place of pilgrimage of My Heavenly Mother. My messages, which I announce through My messenger, correspond to the full truth. But this director has spread the word that they are of the devil. And that harmed himself. He was swept away by My omnipotence.

The same will happen to the place of pilgrimage and the place of prayer Heroldsbach. This rector has done a lot of harm to my mother. He himself saw My mother crying and exchanged the tears for tap water. How bitter this has been for My Heavenly Mother. She shed tears for this place of prayer. These little children, too, who were supposed to perceive the apparitions of my mother, they were persecuted and viciously attacked already at the beginning of the apparitions. Some have suffered until their death and the others are still suffering today.

And now this place of pilgrimage and prayer is attacked by this rector. It too is swept away, as I want it to be. I will work in my omniscience, omnipotence and omnipotence. Everything will be fulfilled according to my plan and my desire.

You, My beloved messenger, have suffered there Until I have cleansed this place of prayer, the small flock will not be sent there by Me. Hold out! All the messages that were proclaimed there correspond to the full truth. My beloved followers, please take this in you and follow these my wishes.

The house ban was issued in Heroldsbach, but it was not recognized by Bamberg. This letter was also posted on the Internet.

You, My beloved Archbishop of Bamberg, have failed because you knew that this is the truth and that this truth cannot be denied and that this, My little flock, must not be persecuted, especially not My messenger. She is chosen by Me, the Heavenly Father, and will be sent there according to My wish and plan, not according to your plans. I give her and her small group the order when it is time for them to be there again. Then they will announce and proclaim the truth.

I wanted to make you, My beloved Rector, aware of your untruths, of your misbelief, of your persecution that you inflict on others. Is this right what you are doing? Are you allowed to lock the dearest baby Jesus in a closet when he cries? You announced this publicly that it no longer cries because you locked it in a closet. How wickedly you proceed, and how loving are My words. My little one is atoning for you too.

Therefore I beg you, stop these wickedness, for you stand on the edge of the abyss. It is only a small step and you will fall forever into these abysses. Do you want that or do you want to turn back? My messenger will push you in your heart. Until now your heart doors are closed. You have to open them so that you can receive the truth in your heart. You must venerate the dearest Mother of God. You must acknowledge this miracle of tears that has happened in this great international shrine. But you do not want it and the diocese of Bamberg does not recognize it either. But you will see what happens according to my wish and will.

You do not have the right to take such strong action against Me, the Heavenly Father, in My messengers. You persecute and slander them, because everything is to correspond to erroneous belief. You are in error and not My messenger. And that is why I urge you: Turn back and follow my words and my love! Love is decisive, which you do not have, because if you had love, Divine Love, you would know the truth. Only love counts, My beloved ones!

And today, on the day of the first miracle in Canaan, I proclaim this message to you. A miracle is to happen at this pilgrimage site of My dearest Mother and Bride of the Holy Spirit. She will communicate the truth to you through the Holy Spirit. She is the dearest Bride of the Holy Spirit and My dearest Mother and the Mother of My Son Jesus Christ. She alone is the Mother of God. You shall adore and love them.

During this Christmas season, the little Jesus in the manger will still be pouring out many graces. Come to the dearest Jesus in the manger. Christmas time in the real church is not yet over, but only on February 2 - Maria Candlemas. In the modernist church this was already the case on 6 January. That does not correspond to the truth, my beloved ones.

Turn back, beloved sons of priests! I love you all and want to save you from the eternal abyss! Read these messages and follow them and stay in Divine Love! Once again I say to you: Turn back!

Now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with His dearest Mother, with all angels and saints, especially with Saint Joseph, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end.


