Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Last Sunday after Whitsun. Feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the Fatima Madonna and also the Rosa Mystica were bathed in a radiant light. Especially the altar of sacrifice with the two tabernacle angels and the father symbol shone in a glaring light. Many angels floated into this house church in Göttingen. The Pieta shone in a bright glow and tears ran down her cheeks. I have seen it. All the figures were brightly lit, and especially the Black Madonna of Czestochowa.

The Heavenly Father will speak again today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now, at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, today you have a name day child among you. It is an important day because today is the anniversary of the death of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The modernist church celebrates the feast of Christ the King. This is not in the order of the Sacred Liturgy, because today is the last Sunday after Pentecost with a very important Gospel that is not read in modernism.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little Catherine, hearty congratulations also from your dearest Heavenly Mother on your name day. Your Heavenly Mother will watch over you on the day of the surgery and afterwards, because you will be operated on one eye for cataracts and some time later on the other eye. The fears are there, of course. Your dearest Mother of God knows that. But you will be allowed to guide the surgeon's hand. She will watch over you and everything will be fine, before and after the operation.

Do you think, dear Katharina, that the others could take over your mission? No! This is not possible. No one knows how to write messages and stay with the truth like you do on the Internet and how to receive them.

You put your head down for these messages and you carry the greatest suffering for the whole world, My beloved little daughter Anne. No one of my chosen ones will have such great suffering as you, because you have oil-mountain sufferings and fear of death. You suffer the mortal anguish of My beloved Son Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives. This is not easy for you, but your dearest mother will also stand by your side and protect you in these days when the greatest suffering in the House of Glory will come upon you. There the priesthood of My Son Jesus Christ is suffered in you, My beloved little one. You, too, will have to suffer, because I, the heavenly Father, so desire it.

My beloved little Monika, I would like to mention you today as well. You have taken on a lot in the last time. On Wednesday, November 28, you will move into your new apartment. This will be a bright joy for you, because it is the wish of your Heavenly Father. Everything that happened there, remember that, beloved Monika, was and will continue to be the wish of the father. You will have many tasks. Your illness is not easy either, but it is desired by your Heavenly Father. You, too, will experience the suffering of atonement, because you will be taken very much into this community of five, as it now exists. So far you were four. You, My beloved Monika, will have to take over much in Mellatz when this great suffering comes over My beloved little daughter Anne. You will then be there and stand by the side of dear Katharina and also the spiritual director of Anne, Pastor Lodzig. Everything will be fine in Mellatz as well as here.

My beloved little Anne, you will have to pass on many things that are unpleasant to you. But I, your Heavenly Father, wish it so.

And now to my beloved little daughter Mary ( My beloved daughter, pay attention to the messages that you put on the Internet. Not everything corresponds to the truth because my Holy Father does not lie in the truth, he lies in unbelief and in confusion. It is easy for you, my beloved daughter, to say: "He lies in the truth.

In spite of everything, your messages must coincide with the messages of My little beloved Anne, because My beloved Son Jesus Christ speaks through you. You write it down and everything must be in accordance with My beloved Son Jesus Christ. When you say and put it in the message, "He lies in the truth and is persecuted for this reason," and in the messages of my little Anne, it says as I wish and I say it, "He does not lie in the truth.

He betrayed the church and sold it in Assisi. There was the big religious meeting, and he let an anti-Christ speak. He did not represent me and also not my heavenly mother, because it was desired that he represents the Catholic faith and passes it on to the other religious communities, if it should be as he wished. But I did not wish this joint meeting. And now it has happened.

This Holy Father continues to be surrounded and threatened by the Freemasons. It is based on the will of the Freemasons. He does not proclaim ex cathedra. He also lets himself be pressured by the bishops. The bishops say: "We practice collegiality with the Holy Father, who is only Bishop of Rome. That is not the truth.

I also wish him to resign from his office. This had already been announced in the previous messages of My little Anne. He is to resign his office because he is not able to hold this office. Its mission is to transmit and proclaim the true Catholic and Apostolic faith throughout the world, whether opportune or inconvenient. He will therefore be persecuted, just as many chief shepherds were persecuted who were in truth. There were also disobedient popes among them. One of them was Pope John XXIII. He brought modernism into the church. Has opened wide the windows for the evil to move in, namely modernism. And from this my chief shepherd I have wished that he lives and announces my truth, whether convenient or inconvenient, as my little one carries it out.

Many things are unpleasant for her, and many things are not desired by her and before many things she still has special human fears, as she does today. For it is not easy for her, as the only chosen one and messenger, to proclaim these truths that speak against this Holy Father. She is the only one who says and passes on everything against the Holy Father. "He is a heretic," she had to say. Was it easy for them, my beloved? Was it simple that she said he betrayed and sold My Church with the Judas kiss?

This is true, dear little Mary. If you do not take back this, that he should be in the truth and therefore persecuted, you may not get the messages. This is bitterly serious to me, your beloved Jesus, who wanted everything from you: The suffering and also the passing on of the full truth. I have told you the truths over and over again and you have written them down with My hand, with the hand of My Son. My Son and I are one in the Holy Spirit. And you proclaim as if my beloved son Jesus Christ and I are not in common will. You must take this back. This is bitterly serious for Me, your beloved father.

And the messages of My beloved little daughter Anne, who passes them on and which correspond to My truth, these messages are hindered by you because they do not correspond. And everyone will say, "Oh, Anne, beloved of the Heavenly Father, is no longer in the truth. She now speaks the untruth, because Jesus says through the little daughter Mary that this Holy Father is in truth. Change this, My beloved daughter. These are the messages of November 13 and 14 this year. I wish it so. And I wish that you continue to remain My little messenger whom I have chosen for the end times as I have chosen My beloved little Anne for the world mission. It has always been in accordance with my will.

My beloved little daughter Anne, in the House of Glory My Holy Church, the Church of My Son, was newly founded, and so there too the holy priesthood will be newly founded, because all priests are not completely in the truth. Even if they celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V in their house churches or in their catacombs, they do not believe in My messages. They continue to despise My little messenger whom I have chosen and who endures the suffering of the whole world.

She has already been able to save many souls through My truths, which she keeps putting on the Internet, although no one believes her, that is, faith lies in the truth that I, the Heavenly Father, proclaim. It belongs to me and is the greatest obedience to me.

The suffering is from Me, My beloved little one. Continue to bear it. You will be supported by your small flock. They will stand by you. Do not be afraid of human beings. Everything is in order.

And now My beloved believers, My beloved followers and small flock, I would like to return to this Gospel. In modernism today, the Christ King festival is celebrated. The gospel in modernism does not conform to the gospel of the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Gospel says that in the near future - very soon - My event will come. You will notice it and you will also notice it, but you are protected. I must let this event come because of the disobedient priests who do not want to correspond to my will, whom I have blessed all and want to save all from eternal death in hell. It is the truth, My beloved sons of priests.

Leave this grinding table, leave the grinding community and hold all the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It shall be done throughout the world in this order as I desire. You can prevent many things. The more people go out of the modernist churches, the less my little one needs to suffer. Help us, my beloved ones, because it is very important.

My Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for all and this sacrifice is suffered and renewed at the table of sacrifice and not at the grinding table to the people. Don't you know that? I no longer wish to receive hand communion. Only oral communion is to be given. How much I am disgraced by hand communion. All this is done in modernism, but not at the altar of sacrifice. This is what I, my beloved sons of priests, wish. I would like to ask you once again for the last time, leave this meal fellowship and celebrate the Holy, Tridentine Sacrificial Feast after Pius V. There you are right. There is the truth. There is love. My Son Jesus Christ will repay you a hundred and a thousand times over. And the New Priesthood can finally be established.

I love you all and want to save you. Not only some of you, but all priests. I love all priests, just as My Heavenly Mother loves, protects and forms them, for she is the Queen of priests. Take note of this and consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Mother.

I wish you, dear Monika, much success with your move. Now you see all the work in front of you. You don't do them alone. You make them in the will of the Heavenly Father.

Thus I bless you in the Trinity, with My dearest Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Praised be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. There you will receive love. Believe it and always proclaim the truth. Only the truth is still important for you now, to be able to save yourself and others from eternal death. Amen.


