Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz/Allgäu through Her instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Cenacle, the Blessed Mother was repeatedly highlighted by special rays of light. She raised her rosary. And also this one was flooded by glaring light. The Twelve Star Wreath was illuminated and the Child Jesus gave His rays to the Little King of Love. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword in all four directions to keep evil from us. The entire altar of sacrifice shone in golden light. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus also shows us that He is the Son of God in the Trinity with His three fingers raised.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and in His plan, repeating only words, the words of heaven. Today the words of Me.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved followers of My Son Jesus Christ and My beloved little band, today you have entered this Cenacle because the Holy Spirit is upon you. I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit and I will make sure that the Holy Spirit never leaves you. You are in the house of glory, in the house of the Father, which He Himself has given you and foretold. Here, in this house, pure holiness will take place. You, my little flock and my followers are firm on the path of holiness. You will be accompanied by angels and especially also by Me, your Heavenly Mother.

My beloved little one, the atonement is almost unbearable for you. You feel the fight of Satan. Your Heavenly Mother will be with you and she will not leave you on this difficult path. Of course you will feel the loneliness in yourself, the loneliness of My Son Jesus Christ, who suffers in you the New Priesthood and also the New Church. This is hard for you, my beloved little one. But you will not give up and you will endure this suffering with courage and in Divine Power. You will not slacken in continuing to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father. What great gifts has the Heavenly Father prepared for you in His wise foresight, in His goodness, omnipotence and also patience. You will receive everything you need in this house.

But as you know, My beloved little ones, the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic Church, the present Holy Father, denied his faith in Assisi. He did not confess his Catholic faith and this hurt me, the Heavenly Mother and also his mother very much. The sadness is deep within me. Why, many now ask themselves, did he mix the Catholic faith with all religions, even though he knows, as Supreme Shepherd, that there is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith he should profess. He had the strength for it. He only needed to use them. But the fear of men overpowered him and no confession and testimony came out of him. Is this not bitter for all of you, My beloved Catholic and Apostolic disciples. You hoped in this Supreme Shepherd that he would go ahead of you and show you the way, the way of the cross, the way of heavy suffering. This would have strengthened you and also built you up because he himself has received the power of the keys from me and he no longer used this power of the keys. He gave it up because it seemed too difficult for him to determine and proclaim ex cathedra himself.

Now a chaos has entered this church, a terrible mess. No one has a direction anymore. Men look ahead and seek the true faith, but they ask themselves, where shall I seek it? Where is it proclaimed? In the individual parishes? By the bishops, the chief shepherds or by the chief shepherd? Nobody is willing to take responsibility. They only know their own self. "How can I get along well with all the people to whom I bring peace, the peace of the world, then they will recognize me as the Supreme Shepherd and see that I am accommodating them, that I will bring them peace and have done so".

Where is the Peace of My Son Jesus Christ? Has He, the Holy Father, proclaimed His peace to them? Did he speak these words through Him? Was the Holy Spirit active in him? No! Without confession, without testimony this is not possible. Severe sacrileges preceded. Think of the Motu Proprio. This Holy Father still celebrates the popular mass at the popular altar, although he announced it differently. It is still called 'Extraordinary Mass' and is mixed with the 'Ordinary Mass'. How is it possible that the only one, Catholic faith can mix, even at the altar of sacrifice. This is equated with the popular altar. And my shepherds? Where are they? Will they come to me? Do they look at Me, at My tabernacle, in which I have always kept myself hidden? Do they look at him? Yeah, then I'm here. But not now, when they turn their backs on me. The people will be honored and not me! I am no longer worshipped, I, Jesus Christ, who has spoken now. How great must be the pain of the Mother who stood under the cross and walked all ways with Me, the Son of God, on the Way of the Cross? Your dearest mother tells you that.

Dearest mother mine, I cannot live without you. You are my everything. This is what your son Jesus Christ is saying right now. And the Heavenly Mother weeps bitter tears because Her Son is no longer recognized, who died for the whole world and redeemed the whole world on the cross through His heavy sacrifice on the cross. And yet this is rejected and not accepted. One thinks, without a cross one can go through life. Without the cross there is life in the world, but never is there life after death without the cross.

You, My beloved children of Mary, must earn this way into glory. And you testify to it and do it daily. For this I thank you, for you are thereby there to comfort My Son. He embraces you because he loves you and also proves to you his love, also through the cross he proves to you his love, because you take part in this sacrifice of the cross. Can you imagine that you stand with the Blessed Mother also today as Mary's children under the cross and say your Yes to Him, My Son in the Trinity, the Heavenly Father, who sacrificed His Son for the whole world.

Yes, My beloved children, this Cenacle today on this day has been fruitful, even if you cannot grasp it, because it has been celebrated with great reverence and many priests are touched by it, who still today invoke and venerate the Blessed Mother. It will send them the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of knowledge and also the Holy Spirit of piety and fear of the Lord, of wisdom and understanding.

And now, My beloved children, I would like to say goodbye today and thank you in advance for your willingness to witness this night of atonement in Wigratzbad, namely to atone for these priests who do not have the knowledge through a serious sin or through sacrilege. But I, your Heavenly Mother, want to give them this knowledge through your atonement because I love them and because they are My sons of priests whom I want to offer to My Son in this darkness of the world. Everywhere you see this darkness of souls. Darkness has entered into the souls and the light of Jesus Christ My Son, which was supposed to shine, is no longer there.

Continue to atone, pray and sacrifice and hold out until the end, because you will be given everything you need and I will never leave you alone as Heavenly Mother. In no suffering are you alone, but I am always there for you. And so I bless you, your dearest Heavenly Mother, with all My legions of angels, with all the saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you and want to be with you always! Amen.


