Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feast of Corpus Christi.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Opfenbach OT Göritz near Wigratzbad through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels moved into these rooms during the Holy Sacrificial Mass here and worshipped. They sang several songs in nine different keys. They wanted to adore and venerate the Blessed Sacrament today on this Corpus Christi feast.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Yes, My beloved ones, My father children, today, on this day, the feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated. In many places a procession takes place. Also on this day this Corpus Christi should be celebrated with a procession here at my place of grace Wigratzbad.

My beloved ones, why didn't this happen? Because I, as Heavenly Father, have allowed the whole day to be rainy. Was it not a warning to you, My beloved ones, who no longer adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? Did you want to show it only on this day that you still know him, that you still respect him? That is too little for your Heavenly Father. Up to now, four altars were located in these places, which celebrated the Corpus Christi with a procession. My Son was adored at four altars in the Blessed Sacrament, in the monstrance. She was carried through the streets. And what is the situation today, My beloved ones? Do you still testify today that He, My Son Jesus Christ, is present in body and soul, in flesh and blood? No, you don't do it anymore. One no longer believes. The clergy no longer worships me, nor does it pass it on that the highest honor should be given to me. It is no longer so today, My beloved father children. Today, My Son is not duly revered.

But you, My beloved ones, have proved it in today's adoration, which takes place every day at 7:00 p.m., and also in this Holy Sacrificial Mass this morning, which is celebrated daily in the house chapel in your home. For this I want to thank you also today, for all your love and for all your perseverance. You always think of My Son in the Trinity and of your beloved Father. How can you still give me joy? You do not think of yourselves. This pleases me, my beloved, because so few men and believing men, as they call themselves, no longer believe in the supernatural.

Even many brotherhoods have assumed that it is not necessary to worship Me, the Father God in the Trinity, in mysticism. There is no more testimony that My Son is carried through the streets. One is ashamed of it. So it is, My beloved ones. Must I, as Heavenly Father, not cry tears today on this day? The rain are My tears. Don't you wonder why today is such an extraordinary weather day? No, today they do not worry about it because they have completely cut off my son. He is driven out of the hearts. One does not open one's heart for Him, so that He can enter with His exceedingly great grace, which He wants to pour out full of longing.

How many people turn away from Him today. "We have something else planned for that day," they say. Why should they show themselves and walk the streets and testify that I am a Catholic Christian? Is that important, My beloved ones. Is this too much to ask for My beloved Son who redeemed the whole world in His suffering on the cross? Is that too much time that you would spend on him all by yourself? Unfortunately no one thinks about us, the Trinity, today.

You, My beloved ones, are different. You pray, you atone, you sacrifice. Every day you go the path of atonement. Sometimes even twice to Wigratzbad to my place of grace, the place of grace of my dearest mother. It is not too much for you to keep the hour of mercy and pray every day. It is not too much for you to practice worship twice a day. Once at my place of grace and once in your house chapel. Besides, you give me much joy with the many continuous prayer life. It is ordered with you. You pray certain prayers daily and repeat them again and again to give me joy. Nothing is too much for you.

Yes, My beloved ones, and now I had expressed the desire to furnish your apartment even more nobly. I made these wishes known this morning and you have done me this favor out of love to fulfill My wishes. Everything should be noble. I myself, the Heavenly Father, am the order, the cleanliness. And that is what I find with you. In everything you give me joy in it. Continue to do so, for I have taken possession of this dwelling where you dwell, not only of the dwelling but also of your hearts. I walk with you through the apartment, into every room. Everywhere I am with you. I look into your hearts and I see everything that moves you.

I want you to feel well, My little beloved ones, because My little one has been suffering this atonement for weeks. Since one week I wish that she takes a lot of atonement and lies ill in bed. This is a great suffering for you, my little one. Your Heavenly Father knows it. He knows about your need and he suffers with you and in you. Continue to expiate! It will bear great fruit. You do not have the desire to know and fathom everything, but you give yourself to your Heavenly Father every day. You place yourself at His disposal with your pain, your suffering and your serious illness. You do not lament, but you suffer silently for Me. I thank you, My beloved. I am with you, your Heavenly Father, and He will never leave you.

I want to thank you, My beloved ones, for your willingness to suffer. To support my little one in her suffering is also suffering. Thank you for your willingness, for all your love and for your perseverance during this time.

You are protected in your home by your Heavenly Father. You will miss nothing. Where you go, I go with you. You have the greatest protection of heaven because you follow my ways and my steps. That is why I love you more and more constantly, deeply and intimately. And now I would like to bless, protect, love and send you out on this evening of the Feast of Corpus Christi. The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Remain in love and persevere, for the greatest is love! Your father knows about everything.


