Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, October 24, 2021

If you love your loved ones, don't deny them the chance! Whoever is not ready will not recognize the guile and deceit that will begin after the warning!

- Message No. 1323 -


My child. Many truths are now coming to light, yet many children continue to sleep. They are too comfortable to repent, and as long as they are (still) doing well, they fear nothing. They would rather give in than lose their comfort. Pray for them, that they may repent and that their comfort may not cost them eternity.

Beloved children that you are. Time is short and blow by blow you will be overrun by evil and its machinations. Fear not, for the Father hears your prayers. HE WHO IS Almighty will intervene, but first every child, every person, every soul will be given a chance to repent. Who then is not awake, who then has not confessed Me, his Jesus, for him I will truly be able to do nothing.

Beloved children of the remnant army. The time is near, and you must persevere. Stay strong and faithful to Me, your Jesus, and pray, pray, pray. My Mother's rosaries work many, many miracles. Pray them daily so that you may remain steadfast and for the conversion of many more souls. I thank you for this. My Mother is with you, with everyone who prays to her sincerely. She is co-redeemer and leader of this so wonderful mission. Many children have already turned back, but many have also remained silent, let it be said to you:

Proclaim My Word and prepare your loved ones, friends, family for the events. Those who have not converted with the warning will be lost, and the time is near, it is so near. So if you love your loved ones, don't deny them the chance to experience My warning as the event it is: a great act of My mercy for all the children of the world, and your last chance to find the way to Me, to your Jesus. Who does not seize this chance, gambles away his eternity, and who knows about it and keeps silent, SINS AGAINST HIS NEIGHBOR! So listen to My word and prepare yourselves and your loved ones.

You will go through hard times, but he who is truly with Me will pass them. Do not close yourselves off from the truth, for if you do, you close yourselves off to eternity in glory. Take heed of My word, for everything is coming blow by blow. When your churches are closed, good to him who is already with Me, with his Jesus, and endures this dark time. Be ready, for the evil one is standing by, and soon, very soon, he will be presented to you as the one HE IS NOT.

So be ready, beloved children, be ready. The evil game has long since begun, and there is no going back to a normalcy. The evil one fights each one of you, and all your loved ones he fights. So why do you just surrender to him instead of 'fighting' for yourselves and your loved ones? Your prayer is and will always be the strongest weapon you have.

So pray and plead to the Father, for HE will mitigate, HE will intervene, but only His true children will be lifted up. I, your Jesus, AM the way into eternity. I AM the key into the New Kingdom, and that day is near, it is so near.

Convert, those who are not yet with Me, awaken, those who will not (acknowledge) the truth, do not lie to yourselves by saying it is all good. NOTHING IS GOOD, My children, nothing is good, because the evil one will fight you until the end, and you can win this battle only if you are honest and totally with Me, with your Jesus.

My children. My so beloved children. Stand up now and realize where you are, because the evil one is overtaking you, and blow by blow everything will come. He who is not ready, beloved children that you are, will not recognize the guile and deceit that will begin after the warning. So be warned, for the one who is coming is the evil one himself. He will take up residence in My Holy Church, he will be celebrated as Savior and Peacemaker, and you will lie at his feet if you do not awaken now.

With deep love and a sorrowful heart, I take leave of you today.

Your Jesus. Who is suffering. Very much. For you, My children. For you. Amen.

They are very filled with pain: God the Father, Our Lady, Jesus, the saints and angels.

Yes, My child. The end is near, and the children must now awaken. Amen. Now go. Your Mother in heaven. Amen.

Source: ➥
