Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Who have not done so yet...!
- Message No. 1324 -

My child. Very bad times are coming upon you, but fear nothing. Evil is overtaking you and your world, but all those of you who are firmly anchored in My Son will have nothing to fear.
Trust, pray and believe. The Lord leaves you alone at no time, and the Father intervenes,My child, My children,but you must remain strong and perseveringand completely anchored and hidden in My Son.
The warning, My children, is near, very near, so prepare yourselves, your soul and your spirit for it. You must be ready for the Lord, for Jesus, My Son who loves you so much.
Whoever is still able, seek out the Holy Mass, after worthy confession and deep contrition for his sins. Children (!), it is so important that you wash yourselves clean, and it can only be done through Holy Confession to an ordained priest of My Son!
So seek out a true servant of My Son and confess EVERYTHING you did wrong, a life confession for those who have not yet done so. Keep in mind that everything you have already confessed and atoned for and repented of does not need to be confessed again, unless it weighs on you, on your soul, then, My children, you may confess it another time, but you must deeply repent of it this time, My children, so that you may truly be/become free of this sin. My Son forgives any sin that is sincerely repented, but ONLY through the Holy Sacrament of Confession.
So, where you still can, seek out your Holy Confession and ask and/or plead -depending on the degree of sin- for forgiveness to the Lord. My Son is merciful and HE will grant you forgiveness, but you must repent, My children, you must repent deeply.
My child. Tell the children, that there is little time left for their purification. Please tell them from their Mother in Heaven who loves and accompanies them so much.
Whoever prays to Me for protection and guidance will not be lost. I, your loving Mother, promise this to all faithful and converting children.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
My child. I, your Jesus of the Cross, am deeply saddened. The children of the world do not see where they stand and soon, very soon, it will be too late for them. Therefore, I ask you to pray for them so that they may repent and find the way to Me and the Kingdom of Heaven after all. I thank you from the depths of My so sorrowful heart.
With love,
Your Jesus of the Cross.
Source: ➥