Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The decision is up to you!
- Message No. 840 -
My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and listen to what I, your Father in Heaven who loves you, have to say today to the children of the earth: You must find your way to My Son and detach yourselves from all earthly entanglements, because that is exactly where the devil sets in to capture you, to "hold you down" and "bring you down" so that you have no way out, see no ray of light and become in bondage to him, but, My beloved children, if you find your way to Jesus, HE will help you, you will be able to detach yourselves, you will be able to "turn around" and make yourselves ready, all for HIM, for your Savior!
Only Jesus is your way, because all others lead you to the devil! Well disguised they are, and often you have no idea, but, My beloved children: Who does not find to Jesus, does not give himself to HIM, does not give himself completely to HIM, does not trust in HIM and does not follow HIM, he ALREADY FINDS HIMSELF on the way into the hell of the beast, because: Soon the purgatory will no longer exist.
That is why I gave you through Mary the prayer for the souls in Purgatory (Note: so that they too may experience resurrection)
Only My Son is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, only with HIM and through HIM you will reach His New Kingdom. ALL other ways, however, will lead you to hell, because when the gates open for the New Kingdom of My Son, ALL TRUE CHILDREN WILL GO THERE, but the others will perish and spend their eternity in the most agonizing suffering.
So now choose well, My children, for the decision is yours! You can follow Jesus or go into the devilish traps, there will be nothing else.
So confess yourselves now, My children so loved by Me, so that you will not be lost. My Son awaits you with arms lovingly stretched out to you. HE longs, and I long so much for you, for each one of you, because: Our love is infinite, and it is this love, this infinite love for you, that makes Us "hope" that you will find Us, convert and spend your eternity together with Us!
For this I have created you, My children, so that you may live eternally by My side, in happiness and in joy, in glory and in splendor!
So do not throw away your happiness! Do not surrender to the temptations of the devil, but give your YES to Jesus, so that your eternity will be happy and you will not be lost. Amen.
I love you.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥