Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Your trust is on trial, especially your ordained priests are "suffering"!
- Message No. 839 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, want to say to the children of the earth today: You must trust in My Son, and you must remain faithful to HIM and His Word, for only those who trust in Jesus will experience His miracles, only those who are faithful to HIM, who live and act according to His teachings, will HE take with Him, lift them up into His New Kingdom.
My children. Your trust is on the touchstone, especially your ordained priests "suffer" from it, because: He who remains faithful to My Son will not accept the changes in the Holy Church of His. He will not allow the "devil's stamp" to be put on him, nor will he celebrate "false" Masses, for these are unholy and do not come from My Son. They will be "worth nothing," for My Son will not be there where the "stamp of the beast" has been "impressed."
My children. Stand by the faithful priests, because in many places they will lose their existence, i.e. they will be expelled from their office, their homes, the parish and the Catholic Church, and ONLY because they are faithful to My Son, listen to HIM, trust HIM and FOLLOW HIM!
So stand by them and help them as you can. They are so dear to My Son, and HE will lift them up, but the way there is connected with suffering, with sacrifice and the greatest test of trust. "So help My faithful servants and do not abandon them. They are the ones who uphold My Word, pass on My teachings unadulterated, and on their shoulders My New Church will rise.
My children. My children so beloved by Me. Help your faithful priests so that they may walk this path, which is arduous and sorrowful. All My hope is in them, and they bring great joy to My heart, which is so wounded and suffering. Help them and you help Me. Amen.
I love and I thank you.
Your Jesus, flooded with pain."
My child. Tell the children they must trust in My Son. His Church will not perish, for from "rubble and ashes" it will rise and be "mightier", more glorious and radiant than ever before!
Do not be afraid. God the Father will intervene, but you will have to pray a lot before His thundering hand descends to earth.
Take courage, My children, and remain faithful to Jesus. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, ask this of you, for My heart is sorrowful and full of pain, and your love for My Son, your trust and devotion to HIM alleviate this sorrow. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Jesus rises. HE knelt on the ground with His face in His hands. HE is full of sorrow for His priests and the world: the False Prophet is dragging the darkness like pitch through the Holy Church worldwide. The light gives way to darkness and prepares the entry of Satan. This is what Jesus shows me. He takes His Mother by the hand and they go back to Heaven where the Holy Angels and God the Father are waiting for them. The saints are also there. Heaven is closing.
"Thank you, My child. Make this known. Amen."
Source: ➥