Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, November 21, 2013
God the Father has warned them through all His prophets!
- Message No. 351 -
My child. My dear child. Tell Our children to prepare themselves, for soon your world will come to an end, and then all Our children must have converted, for My Son will come to save those who gave HIM their YES, are faithful to HIM and love HIM!
But all others will fall into the devil's hands, for he will take them away and not release them. They will experience the torments of hell, and they will suffer for a thousand years. Then, when the era of peace is over, Our children will be tested again. But this is a long time for you until then, and many will have already entered the Father's Kingdom of Heaven.
But those who do not convert now will not attain the Kingdom of Heaven. God the Father has warned them through all His prophets, but they have not wanted to listen, and so they are now condemned to hell, eternity in torment and suffering, from which there is never any escape.
Be warned, then, you unbelieving children, for unless you are converted, you will not face the Lord. He, who loves you so much, gives you this last chance. So use it and turn back to Him, and you will be preserved from abomination and suffering, and the Lord will receive you with all His love and mercy.
Turn back, My children, turn back, because only in this way will My Son be able to save you and take you to His New Kingdom!
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and the angels of the Lord. Amen.
Source: ➥