Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Urgent call of Mary Help of the Christians to the people of God. Message to Enoch.

Humanity will soon enter in a state of spiritual shock.


My Children, the Peace of my Lord be with you all and my Maternal Protection always accompany you.

Little ones, humanity will soon enter in a state of spiritual shock, as purification and preparation for the coming of God's Warning. Woe to those little children who keep on sinning: Woe to those who have their spiritual doors open for un-confessed sins and for un-ministered (intergenerational bindings, for their purification will be very painful! Woe to those who are in mortal sin, for the demons of the mind are going to torture them and many will go mad and lose their heads, if they do not hurry to repent! Woe to my lukewarm little children, for if they do not define themselves spiritually, many will be lost!

Little children, my Father is going to shock the universe of your human mind, to purify, to strengthen and to prepare you spiritually for the arrival of the Warning. He wants with this to save the greatest number of souls so that they repent in this world and are able to endure the passage through eternity. I tell you little children, that if this purification does not happen, there will be so many souls that would be lost with the arrival of the Warning, due to the conditions of sin and evil in which humanity of these end times finds himself in.

Again I remind you rebellious little children: hurry up to have your accounts in order and to close your spiritual doors kept open; Make a good confession of life and repair for all of the mortal sins you have committed throughout your existence! Your visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, are the best way to repair for all your confessed sins not repaired.

Make the 33 Holy Masses in a row, offering your Paternal and Maternal Family Tree at the sublime moment of the Eucharistic elevation. Remember, little children, I gave you a list of curses and of inter-generational bindings related to all generations; Go back and read again this message I gave you in my dedication as Mystical Rose on September 4, 2017, so that you can bring a good liberation to your Family Tree.

Turn to Me, that I am your Mother, Help of the Christians; ask for my Protection and Help, and when you feel attacked, say:

Mary Help of the Christians, be my protection, aid and refuge; deliver me from evil and from the evil one in all of my paths and spiritual battles. Strengthen my Body, Soul and Spirit and prepare me for my encounter with God in eternity. O Mother, Help of the Christians, pray for us so sinners and take us to the Eternal Glory. Amen.

Therefore cheer up my little children, prepare yourselves for the coming of the Warning, abide by my instructions so that when the Holy Spirit of God arrives at the door of your soul, you may with joy and peace, depart with Him to eternity. Open your hearts, for the Triumphant Return of my Son is approaching.

Your Mother Loves You, Mary the Help of the People of God.

Make my messages known to all mankind, my Beloved Children.

Source: ➥
