Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, August 2, 2013

Jesus the Good Shepherd’s Call to Mankind.

My Glorious Cross is the Signal That Will Announce That Your Step Through Eternity Has Arrived!


Mine herd peace to you.

The hour of great mercy is about, prepare your hearts, and cleanse your dwellings from all stain of sin, because the day when you will go through eternity is about and you will see the state of your soul. The glory of God is waiting for my fair and purified sons, purgatory is waiting for my children who still have outstanding deeds and debts, and hell awaits all those who walk the path of sin and break my precepts giving me their backs and not their face.

My personal judgment is very close, what are you foolish ones waiting for to settle you deeds in order and return to Me? Your pride and your sins have you blindfolded and allow you not to see the serious state of your soul. A great light in the sky will herald my Warning. My glorious cross is the sign that will announce that your step through eternity has arrived. For seven days and their nights my glorious cross shall accompany you, many will receive healing and deliverance, others will convert, and scientists will say it is a celestial phenomenon and many will believe in their words. It takes faith to understand the mystery of God's love, it takes faith to understand God's plan to save humanity.

My glorious cross will strengthen the spirit and heal the soul of my faithful children; after my glorious cross disappears, my awakening of consciences will take place which by the power of my Holy Spirit will take you to eternity, where you will be shown the state of your soul to return to this world and seriously consider your salvation and you may overcome the days of the great purification. If I do not send you my Warning you would not be able to face the days of the trial. My love and loyalty are eternal, my mercy is infinite, I wish not see you lost, I suffer and relive my passion and my Calvary with every soul that I lose. Do not make me suffer any more, attend to my calls given through my messengers; listen to my voice and put into practice my precepts, so that ye be my people and I will be your God.

My children, I say this again, the day of my Warning is very close, run to tidy up your accounts so that your passing through eternity be of peace and joy and not a bitter ordeal. When my Warning comes, many souls who have already paid their debts in this world, will stay with me in paradise and not return anymore. Those who are dressed in white will see me and behold the glory of God, those in gray and dark gray suits will learn about the different states of purgatory, and those who are without the proper attire will be separated by my Angels and delivered to the jailers to be taken to their rightful place in the depths of the abyss.

Hence, come rebellious children and reconcile with me your brethren, lest by unforgiveness you may have to know the prisons of eternity and dwell in their prisons; awaken rebel children, for I am calling at your door; open to me I have a salvation message for you! Close not your door for today I come as a Father, listen and abide to my love and my mercy, and I shall give you my forgiveness. My arms are open waiting for you; if you repent of heart I assure you that I will not remember your sins. These are the last calls I make as a Father, reckon and come back as soon as possible into the fold, so that tomorrow you need not know the Righteous Judge and His Justice for then, it will be too late for you.

My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Repent, for the kingdom of God is near.

Your Master and Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all time.

Make known my message to all mankind.

Source: ➥
