Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, November 8, 2010

Come to Me, You Wayward and Rebellious Sheep. Fear Not. the Father's House Awaits You


Come unto me, all ye that are weary and faint, and I will give you rest (Mt. 11:28).

I am urgently calling you erring and rebellious sheep; I am calling you: prostitutes, homosexuals, drug addicts, alcoholics, idolaters, adulterers, fornicators, swindlers, thieves, liars, murderers, evildoers, evildoers, evildoers, sorcerers, and so on: If you come to Me, repentant and with contrite and humbled hearts; I assure you, I will not remember your sins and offenses, and just as to the prodigal son, I will give you My blessing and forgiveness. Remember: The greater the sin, the greater the mercy, if you repent from the heart and return to the path of your salvation.

Fear not, my sheep that have gone astray; he who is loved much, much is forgiven, I am the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. Who makes no distinction of creed, race, or religion. I am the Eternal Shepherd. I am your Jesus of Nazareth, the Shepherd who never sleeps, always waiting for the return of his sheep. If you bathe in the fountain of forgiveness and come close to Me, as Mary of Magdala did; if you repent like the good thief; I assure you, I will not remember your sins, no matter how great they may be. I only ask you to open your hearts, so that the Light of the World, which I am, may illuminate your darkness and give you salvation.

If you say yes to Me, I will give you eternal life and you will also be with Me in paradise. What are you waiting for to come back to Me? Go ahead; come to your senses; for the day is waning and the night is coming! I am your Father, who is devoting Himself with love for you, my sheep that have gone astray. Do not be ungrateful; come to Me, do not fear; the Father's House awaits you; I am waiting for you, my rebellious sheep. My mercy is greater than my justice. I love you and it pains Me to lose you. Your Father, Jesus of Nazareth, the Eternal Shepherd of the Sheep. Make known my messages to all nations.

Source: ➥
