Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Table is Served; I Am Waiting for You, Do Not Delay!


The days are passing like flashes; your time is getting shorter and shorter. Woe to you who sleep, for the night of my Justice is near; wake up, wake up, so that you may see the light of a new dawn; remember what my word says: "There will be two, one will be taken away and the other will remain". This humanity, as in the times of Noah, buys, sells, marries, and very soon my Justice will come to them and they will not have time to repent. Millions will perish, how many plans you make without God; you feel yourselves immortal; you make short and long term plans, without taking into account the will of God. How foolish and foolish you are; do you not know that your time is running out, and that the judgment of the nations will be the sentence and the end of so many?

My children, sheep of my flock; I tell you, the Living Bread come down from heaven, soon will no longer be with you; everything must be fulfilled as it is written; read Daniel 12 and you will understand what I am telling you. How many of you who reject me today, will long for my Body and my Blood tomorrow; drink and eat of my Body and my Blood, as much as you can, for the days are coming when my sacrifice will be profaned and my house will be shut up. Come to Me, my faithful children, do not fear; come and visit me; my table is served, do not delay. The night is drawing near; pray and watch, lest you fall into temptation; remember that the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak; I say also to you my disciples of these last and last days; do not fear those who can kill the body rather fear him who can kill both body and soul.

Come; draw near to my Tabernacle and share also with me, my paschal supper; I tell you, that for a time I will no longer be among you, but do not fear, my Mother and my Angels will accompany you; but then we will meet again in my new heavens and on my new earth and there, your joy will be greater.

May my peace accompany you and the light of my Spirit guide you. I will be with you until the consummation of time. I am your Father and Master, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Good Shepherd of all times.

Make known my messages sheep of my flock.

Source: ➥
