Prayers to Unite with Holy Love

Prayers taught by Heaven to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle at Holy Love, North Ridgeville, Ohio, USA

Morning Prayers

Surrender the Day to the Eternal Father

Heavenly Father, I surrender unto You this day my will and my heart. In return, I ask Your favor upon all my actions in thought, word, and deed. Hold me deeply in Your bosom of Divine Will, that I may not displease You in any way. Render unto me Your Mercy in my every need.

“Recite this prayer from your heart and your petition will be granted.” (Our Lady, December 2, 1996 )

Prayer to Receive a New Heart

Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, create a new heart in me this day, a heart committed to holiness, a heart preserved in faith and peace. I ask this in Your Most Holy Name, Lord Jesus. Amen

Our Lady: “Dear Children, I wish each day for you to renew your hearts in holiness through faith and peace, Such a heart will be steeped in love for his brethren and will bring many souls to Me by example. Therefore, My dear children, upon arising each morning, it is My desire you recite this prayer. I am anxious for you to adopt this new prayer. It will bring many souls to realize their vocation in holiness ..... a vocation for each soul no matter his station in life.”

Prayer of Self-Sacrifice

Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, accept all my sacrifices today in thought, word and deed, in union with Your holy Passion and the Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother’s Heart for the strengthening of the Church. Amen.

Morning Consecration to the Holy Spirit

Most Holy Spirit, I consecrate to You this day in time. Open my heart to Your promptings. Inspire me to do the Divine Will of God. Amen.

“When you begin the day in such a way, the Holy Spirit will be with you and guide you. You will not fear any consequence of the day as you will be under His protection.” ( Our Lady, January 3, 1998)

Prayer for Holy Love

Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, perfect me this day in Holy Love. Keep me mindful that every thought, word, action should come from and lead to Holy Love. Bring me along the path of holiness by means of this Love, so that by loving God and my neighbor, I will attain holy perfection. I ask this in Your Name Lord Jesus. Amen.

Invocation to Holy Angels

Dear Heavenly Angels, all who reside in Heaven and assist us on earth, guide us. Minister to the needs of all mankind. Be for us a liaison between God and man. Protect the tabernacles of the world as you protect our hearts as well, against the attacks of the evil one. Dear angels, take all our needs and petitions to Heaven and lay them on the Divine Altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.

Consecration to the Cross

My Jesus, I consecrate myself this day to Your Holy Cross. Just as You took upon Yourself that great Cross for the sake of all humanity, so I vow to embrace the crosses in my life. Everything I suffer I give back to You, my Sweet Jesus, to atone for my sins and those of all the world. I will begin and end each day at the foot of Your Cross, together with our Most Blessed Mother and Saint John, our brother. My only pleasure will be to comfort You, my Sweet Savior. Amen.

Trust Prayer

Dear Jesus, teach me to trust only in the power of You, Your Father, and the Holy Spirit. I surrender my will to You. In this surrender, I accept that Your grace controls the future. I understand that You love me and want only my good - my salvation. I resolve to live in the present and await whatever You may plan for me in the future. I will trust in Your plans and Divine Will for me. Amen.

Consecration to Self-Denial

November 3, 2006

Dear Jesus, Divine and Beloved Savior, today I surrender to You every pain—physical, spiritual or emotional. I will not complain about inconveniences, demands upon my time, breaches of privacy or the rudeness of those You put in my life today. With Your help, I will accept each present moment with Holy Love. Amen.

St. Martin de Porres: “The reason the Lord sent me to you with that morning prayer is, if you recite it in the morning, then great and small sacrifices that you may forget to offer the Lord have already been given to Him.”

Missionary Prayer of Holy Love

Immaculate Mary, Virgin and Queen of Heaven and Earth, consume My soul in the Flame of Holy Love that is Your Heart. Help me to be Your love in the world and to hasten Your victorious reign through My prayers and acts of Holy Love. Spread Your Mantle of Protection over Holy Love Ministries. Lead us and guide us. Intercede on our behalf before the throne of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.

Prayer of Atonement

Dear Loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, let the flames of Your Hearts consume my self-will. Accept loving Savior and Most Blessed Mother my every thought, word and deed in reparation for all my sins and the sins of the entire world. Dear Jesus, let Your generous Mercy flow unceasingly into every soul. Help me, dear Mother, to find the way to the Peace of Your Heart, Refuge of sinners. I beg You, accept my sacrifices and prayers no matter how humble. Bring faith and peace to all. Amen.

Prayer of Love

Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, remove from me all selfishness in thought, word and deed. Place in my heart, dear Jesus, a deep and abiding love for all that is holy, for the Blessed Trinity, for the Church upon earth, and for all people. Help me to show this love to all whom I come in contact with today. Amen.

Sacrifice of Love

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer this burden for love of Your Divine Son and in reparation to Your most grieved Heart. May it convert sinners and bring peace to all hearts. Amen.

Prayer to Mary, Refuge of Holy Love

Mary, Protectress of the Faith, shelter my faith in Your Immaculate Heart - Refuge of Holy Love. In the Refuge of Your Heart and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Son, protect my faith from all evil. Amen.

“I tell you that Satan will flee before the invocation, Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us. This title is in itself a Spiritual Refuge. The more you will persevere in speaking this little ejaculatory prayer, the deeper I will take you into My Heart. Let it be forever on your lips.” (Our Lady, May 15, 1997)

Dedication of Homes to Mary, Refuge of Holy Love

Mary, my Mother, my Fortress - Refuge of Holy Love - sanctify this home through Holy Love. Open each heart that dwells herein to holiness. Lead us along the path of Holy Love. Be victorious over any evil, whether it be an unknown force within these walls, a seductive habit, or some voluntary attachment we have chosen ourselves. Make this home a sanctuary of Holy Love. Amen.

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus, truly and ever present in the tabernacles of the world. My daughter, I have come, as I desire to come into every home, under this Image of Holy Love. Let it be your goal to have this Image accepted in every home and every heart. I will give you the prayer now that will strengthen and unite families and convict hearts. Dedicate your homes to Me, and I will vanquish evil therein.” (Our Lady, March 17, 1998)

Peace Prayer

Heavenly Father, Creator of all that is good, take dominion over my heart. I surrender to You every burden and cross, all grace, and every virtue I may have. Perfect my heart through Your Divine Will. Bestow upon me peaceful submission to Your Will in all things. Amen.

Spiritual Baptism of the Unborn

Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Your Power and Grace transcends all time and space. Cast now Your compassionate glance upon all life in the womb from the moment of conception until the moment of birth. Caress these innocent souls in Your Merciful Love. Protect this life from any marauder. Bestow upon each soul You create a spiritual baptism, in Your Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

“This is not a replacement for the Sacrament of Baptism, but a special blessing from the Holy Trinity. It is protection and a sign of predestination.” (Our Lady, May 15, 1996)

Ejaculation for the Unborn
To Be Prayed During the Rosary

Jesus, protect and save the unborn.

“Say this little prayer often and after each decade of the Rosary.” (Our Lady, May 19, 1998)

Prayer for the Unborn

Most Sorrowful Heart of Mary, let Your mantle of protection fall upon all the unborn children of the world. Save them from any harm and nurture within their souls a predisposition towards holiness. Amen.

Prayer from the Angels of the Unborn

Dear Blessed Mother, Protectress and Mother of All, take into Your charge the unborn children of the world. Place in the hearts of all mothers a special and unselfish love of their unborn children and the realization that all life is God given. Change the hearts of those in governments to see that they must not condone the slaughter of the unborn. Be our advocate before the throne of God, dear Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.

A Prayer of Invocation to the Angels

Dear Servants of God, Angel Guardians, invoke Jesus to awaken each soul as to the path he follows. Bring each soul to the fullness of his faith. We ask this, dear Jesus, through Your Servant Angels and the Protectress of Our Faith. Amen.

Prayer for Humility

Dear Jesus, recreate my heart today in humility. Let my every thought, word, and deed be for Your greater honor and glory, never my own. Show me the areas of pride in my life and help me to overcome my pride. I ask this in Your Most Holy Name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for Protection against Intellectual Pride

Jesus, guard me always from intellectual pride. It is a pride which bears the fruits of self-righteousness, love of one’s own opinion, and an obtuse spirit. In all ways and in every area of my life, help me to see all things proceed from the Will of the Father.

Prayer for Spiritual Healing

Dear Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me. I am sinful, I am proud, I am even jealous. I beg You Heart of Jesus, wash me clean of all my wrongdoing and make me whole again in Your eyes. Take me to rest in Your Sacred Heart that I may spend this day in peace and love. Protect me with Your Most Precious Blood from all evil. Amen.

Key to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

O Mary, Protectress of Our Faith, hear our prayer and ask Your Beloved Son to receive our faith into His Sacred Hands. Ask Him to hide our faith in His Wounds and protect it from all evil. Amen.

For all those who devoutly recite Her prayer, Mary has obtained from Her Divine Son the following four promises and graces.

1. All the lukewarm who devoutly recite My prayer shall become more fervent in their faith.

2. The sinner who recites this prayer shall be given the grace to see what hinders their faith.

3. All those who recite My prayer with a sincere intention will receive peace in all their trials.

4. Satan shall be rendered powerless when Mary, “The Protectress of the Faith,” is invoked. Doubts and temptations will vanish before this Name for I shall come quickly to the aid of all who so invoke Me.

Prayers and messages are taken from the books "Triumphant Hearts Prayer Book 2nd Edition" and "United Hearts Book of Prayers and Meditations", which you can download here.


