Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 25, 2024
All That You Believe Would Be Your Security Will Crumble Like Ashes!
- Message No. 1445 -

Message of July 11, 2024
Jesus in agony: My child. Tell the children of the earth that I am suffering. I am suffering greatly. Their misdeeds are beyond comparison with anything that has ever existed in your world in terms of injustice, depravity, confusion and the resulting aberration, as well as violence, technocratic and chemical weapons – the list is long, My children, it is so long.
God the Father: The deception, beloved children, that you are, on your earth by those who no longer have any sense of morality, has become so great that it is truly difficult for many children to build trust.
Jesus: My child. My children. Your world, as it is, will pass away and with it the 'swamp' that 'determines' it, i.e. those who do not convert to Me now, who continue to be bad, who sin, who has given himself over to the devil, let it be said to him: My Father's chastening hand will soon break loose, and blessed is he who has listened to Me, his Jesus.
God the Father and the Mother of God: My children. The time that remains for you is only a very short one. So use it for your conversion, for what is about to come, you ALL did not expect.
Jesus: My Father, God the Most High, is ALMIGHTY(!), and in His omnipotence HE will cleanse the earth. Three dark days will come, and you had better be prepared for them.
God the Father: Those who do not listen, who are not ready for My Son, Jesus, will NOT be spared when the quakes begin and the earth opens up. Masses of fire will devour the sinners and the swamp of your earth, your existence, you will perish in masses of earth, your soul will fall prey to the devil, who is pleased with your stupidity, beloved children that you are, for having placed your earthly well-being above the eternal, and many sinners will be swallowed up by masses of water, washed away and carried away when the torrential rivers rise above the banks and the seas, the sea takes possession of the land on the coasts.
Jesus: All that you believe would be your security will crumble like ashes, and you will perish in the fires, the floods, the torrents of water, the earth that is tearing itself apart, you will be swallowed up and seized by the devil, who will torment you for eternity.
God the Father: Therefore, My beloved children, I, your Father in Heaven, ask you, with Mary, your Queen of Heaven and Mother: Convert and find Jesus Christ, My Son, your Savior, for only through Him will you attain eternity in glory, only through Him, My children, will you enter into His New Kingdom, and only through Him, My children, will the Kingdom of Heaven be revealed to you.
Jesus: So, beloved children, be converted, for the days of darkness are advancing, and blessed is he who is ready for Me and for these days. Amen.
Our Lady and God the Father: Read the messages about the end times, beloved children who you are, and be prepared for this dark time. You must have everything ready in your houses, apartments, for the 3 dark days that will mean the end of your world today.
Jesus: Now go. Everything has been said in this regard. Amen.
Your Jesus in agony, with God the Father and the Mother of God. Amen
Source: ➥