Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 7, 2024
The Time is Advanced!
- Message No. 1432 -

Message from February 29, 2024
My child. Listen, for the time is advanced.
What awaits your world can hardly be described in human words, but know that I, your Father in Heaven, am with you through Jesus Christ, My Son, your Savior. At no time will I leave you alone and the light of My Most Holy Son will shine on those who remain truly faithful and devoted.
So listen, beloved children that you are, for My Fatherly protection is granted to you, but you must never become lukewarm. You must persevere and pass all trials so that the adversary cannot gain power over you.
Beloved children: The time has come, and what has been said will come to pass! Do not wait until it is visible before you, but act now! Be ready, convert those who have not yet found their way to My Son and pray, pray, pray, My children!
Your prayer keeps you in faith, it gives you strength and confidence, and it protectsyou, beloved children that you are!
It changes! It helps! It softens! It shortens!
But you must pray, My children, because WITHOUT YOUR PRAYER IT WILL BE REALLY HARD FOR YOU, but your prayer if you use it, will save you from the worst and let you persevere!
Don't wait for the Antichrist to show himself, because then you won't be ready! The Antichrist is among you. The final measures for his appearance will soon be taken, and good for him who has listened to Me, his Father in heaven, and is ready!
The dark days are coming quickly, but you must remain in the light of My Son! Do not lose it by losing heart! Pray, pray, pray! I love you very much, but a hard time awaits you.
My children will be tested!
The persecution will be great!
Your faith will be put to the test!
Trust, beloved children, trust! He who endures will not perish!
Jesus is at his side at all times! So be ready, My beloved children, be ready.
It will not be an easy time, but your faith will prevail, provided you have made yourselves ready and always remain in prayer!
Never despair! Heaven is united with you in this time!
Ask for mitigation and shortening! I am a merciful Father, and I hear your supplications!
So use prayer and make yourselves ready.
When war knocks at your doors, know that Jesus is with you! When hunger knocks at your doors, know that Jesus is with you!
Do not be afraid, but remain deep in faith.
You must be ready for this dark time and trust in Jesus, My Son, and in Me, your Father in heaven.
My chastening hand will come down, but the trials will be hard.
Remain steadfast and faithful! Those who are deeply anchored in Jesus, My Son, their Redeemer, WILL SURVIVE THIS TIME.
The Antichrist will have many 'followers', but be warned: Do not follow him at any time and accept NOTHING from him or his False Prophet!
My house will send a messenger, but for the time being the Antichrist will do his mischief!
Stay in prayer! Your prayer helps and it saves you, your soul!
So use it and do not fall prey to your material world!
Neither money nor other riches have any value in the kingdom of heaven, only your purity of soul, your goodness, charity and virtues will stand before Me, your Father!
Through your humility, goodness and virtues you will attain My Kingdom of Heaven and the New Kingdom of My Son, which is ready for anyone who remains steadfast and faithful!
The true riches are to be found in your soul, but it must be pure and good!
So put on your whitest robe so that you can stand before Jesus!
A great, unprecedented 'Warning' will occur, and you must use it as the event and opportunity THAT IT IS(!): A warning and call to renounce all sin and completely change (repent), cleanse and follow Jesus!
There is no other way, otherwise you will perish!
You should be ready for this event, but you still have the opportunity to change completely with this event!
If you don't, you will be lost!
It is important that you fall on your knees and beg Jesus and Me for forgiveness!
Don't stand still, don't be stubborn, but fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness from Us!
However, many people who have not prepared themselves will not have the opportunity to do so because they will be so shocked by their own sinfulness!
Children, for these pray the prayer from the beginning of the preparation messages! (Prayer no.: 32)
It is short and saves souls!
Memorize it so that you can save souls!
Children, children, the wheat will be separated from the chaff, and the truly dark days will begin.
The Antichrist will show his face, but veiled, i.e. his true face will only show itself at the end, his false face, charismatic and deceptive (deceitfully sweet, loving, seductive!) but from the beginning!
See through his evil game! Don't fall for him and his followers!
It will be a difficult time, but We will guide you through it!
You must remain strong and steadfast and always in prayer with Us.
You MUST then celebrate many Masses hidden underground, for the public ones are desecrated at this time!
So listen to My word and be ready, for it will come blow by blow!
Never forget to say the 7 Hail Marys (BS 1393) to Me, and in addition pray 3 more Hail Marys (BS 1394) for your loved ones for conversion and protection!
I, your Father, hear your prayers, so use them and pray and implore!
My Holy Spirit will protect you from confusion, but you must pray to Him daily for clarity and guidance!
Confusing times are coming and only those who are completely established in Jesus, My Son, will survive them unscathed. Amen.
Your and your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen. With Jesus and the Most Holy Mother of God Mary present. Amen.
My children. This is a short act of atonement, powerful and with great effect, if you commit it with a pure and from a deep heart. Amen.
Dear Children. 7 Hail Marys for the conversion of sinful humanity. Accept this prayer and commit this act of reparation with a loving, intimate and supplicating heart. The more children convert, the milder the end times will be.
So make atonement, beloved children that you are. The Father is most pleased with those who make this atonement in love. You can repeat it daily. The more you atone, the more atonement you offer to Jesus and the Father, the greater the effect. Amen.
Carry your loved ones in your heart, My children. It is important to carry them in love in your heart as you make your prayer of atonement for them. You can do this for all your family members and reinforce it by calling Me their names or giving Me a mental image of them. Amen.
Source: ➥