Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 8, 2024
The Children of the World Do Not Realize How Dangerous It Is for Them!
- Message No. 1425 -

Message of January 5, 2024 - In the Holy Place
Jesus: Oh, My child, thank you that you and all of you have come here to My sanctuary today.
My child. Enjoy the days that remain to you, for a cold, icy and unfriendly wind will blow and only those who are faithful and devoted to Me, their Jesus, will be happy.
Mother of God: My child. My Son, your Jesus and yours, is always with you and with you.
He who was born for all of you, died on the cross and sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven, is with you!
HE guides you, HE cares for you, HE protects you and HE keeps you strong in these days of great cold that will come over your earth.
Jesus: My child. Tell the children that they must remain steadfast.
The 'coming' of him who is not I is near, My child, so tell the children, they must be vigilant.
Herds of war are kindling, war is spreading in Europe, wars are spreading, and well to him who trusts wholly in Me, in his Jesus.
God the Father: My child. Tell the children of the earth that the time of grace is coming to an end and they must be ready. I, your and your all Father in Heaven, will intervene, but for now the Antichrist is coming and your world will fall into coldness and darkness, but the light of My Son shines for those who are truly devoted to Him.
"Beloved children. Remain strong in faith, remain strong in trust, for the time that is coming will not be pretty."
'You all live as if nothing is happening, yet in the background, and openly visible even, you plan and carry out the greatest abominations.'
'Your downfall, beloved children that you are, is planned, i.e. only those shall survive who can still usefully serve the top elite as enslaved people without rights and freedom of expression.'
"My children, be warned. Quickly, very quickly the Lord will become visible, and blessed is he who is with Jesus, his Lord, and remains steadfast in his faith in HIM and faithful to HIM!"
"Blessed are you, beloved children, who are wholly with Jesus, for whoever is not will soon be lost!"
'Take the heavenly messages seriously, for We, the saints of the Communion of Saints, with Jesus and God the Father and the Most Holy Mother of God, have come to give you these messages, so that you may not perish and remain strong and steadfastly prepared.'
"It is important, beloved children, that you pray and remain faithful to Jesus."
'We, your saints, will help if you ask us, but you must pray, beloved children, for without prayer you will go astray and succumb to the deceptions of the Antichrist and his worshippers and followers.'
''Beloved children. Pray much and pray fervently. It is the time for fervent prayer. I, your Mother in Heaven, with all the dear saints who support and help you, ask you to do so:
Pray, My children, pray much and fervently and remain faithful to Jesus, My Son, ALL THE TIME.'
''Do not give in and do not become lukewarm, for this would mean your downfall."
"Listen to the word of My Mother and listen to the saints present here: Mary Magdalene, Suitbertus, Willeicus, Boniface, Hildegard of Bingen, Catherine of Siena and many others, for they are concerned for your welfare.''
"Pray, beloved children, pray much and pray fervently. I, your Father in heaven, ask you to do so, for your salvation is at stake, and I am very concerned for so many of you.
The ''tendency'' of your present time is increasingly abolishing the true faith in My Son, Jesus Christ. He, who is your Redeemer, is being suppressed, degraded, reduced and the children of the world do not realize how dangerous this is and how dangerous it is for them!
So find the true way, beloved children, which is My Son, and return to Me, to your ever-loving Father who is merciful to you."
"Return, for justice will come and give way to mercy."
"He who is judged will hardly stand, but he who finds forgiveness with the eyes of mercy will stand, and his soul will rejoice and be glad."
"So use the time of mercy, for it will soon pass. I, your Father in heaven, am concerned for you. So listen to My Word in these messages, beloved children. Amen."
My child. Go now. Everything has been said. Many saints have spoken, like the angel of the Lord whom you know. Amen.
Your and your all Father in heaven, Mary, your and your Mother in heaven, and Jesus, I am with you and you always. Amen.
Note: God the Father, Jesus, Our Lady, Saints Mary Magdalene, Suitbertus, Willeicus, Hildegard of Bingen, Catherine of Siena, Boniface, Bonaventure and Antoni Maria Claret, as well as an angel of the Lord, spoke. Many other saints were present.
Source: ➥