Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
It is a Holy and Prophesied Time!
- Message No. 1421 -

Message of December 15, 2023
Our Lady and God the Father: Write, My child, write.
My child. The time you are living is a holy and prophesied time. But it is holy only for those who recognize it as such!
Too many linger in the here and now and do not find the way out, I call them, but they do not hear Me, I knock, but they do not open their hearts to Me, I purify them, but they do not understand, and worse still they become angry that something like this is happening to them, or is happening to them, without seeing what a great opportunity it offers for their salvation, if only they would accept and allow it!
My children. My children so loved by Me. I, your Jesus,am deeply saddened that you listen to Me so little.
I love you so much, but many of you reciprocate this love only moderately or not at all. It hurts Me to see how lost you live.
You run after transitory things and pay no attention to the salvation of your soul, you believe even more that your soul would be happy if you received more and more of everything, but it is not so, My beloved children. Your soul is withering and suffering, but you do not realize this!
You will find your salvation only through Me, your Jesus, and in Me, beloved children! Whoever turns away from Me will lose eternal life and his bliss for eternity! He will fall prey to the Antichrist and the devil, and they will torment him.
Your soul will experience the greatest suffering, for you have not prepared yourselves for the day that is soon to come. So I warn you and say: Blessed is he who has recognized and found his way to Me! Blessed is he who has turned back and made himself ready!
No one, I repeat, no one, not a single child, will be lost who has taken refuge in Me, but the one who has not listened, the one who has not turned back, the one who was not ready for Me, will be lost to the adversary, and the devil will have ALL power over him -his soul-.
Blessed then is he who is ready for Me and awaits My return with the greatest joy. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus, Who I Am. Amen.
Tell this to the children. It is time. Amen.
Our Lady: My child. Make this also known. It is a holy time, but the children do not see it. Make yourselves ready. My Son (His return) draws near. Amen.
Source: ➥