Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 17, 2023
The Book of John Part 2
- Message No. 1400-16 -

On March 10, 2023 at Holy Place
My child. I, your John, want to tell you this: what I saw, so long ago, is what you are living today.
It is the time that I saw, and I, your John, tell you: it is an evil time full of suffering and shame, full of desires and aberrations, full of immorality and sin, full of atrocities and murders.
My child. What is happening in your world at the highest level is visible to all who have eyes, recognizable to all who have ears, tangible to all who have a conscience.
My child. From the highest level, that is, from those who should care about you, you are lied to, deceived, cornered, bribed, infected with diseases, poisoned, radiated, the list is long, and all this has become possible because you have put aside your morals, the commandments of the Lord and your conscience, and for the sake of a few lousy pieces of money, a little power and prestige, built on the greatest sin, you have allowed yourselves to be bribed!
It is a shame and a misery to see what man has become capable of, and how he is able to push away everything that comes from God.
It is incomprehensible to see how much man strays, and it made Me very sad to see all the suffering, sin and misery that man did to himself as well as to others.
But the greatest sin I saw at that time was that you murdered children in the womb!
It was unimaginable to Me, and I did not understand what I saw. Most cruel images the Holy Angel showed Me, and I became very, very sad.
My children. The 'Heaven' is full of your aborted children! God, Our Father, takes them to Himself and fixes them, that is, He perfects them, BECAUSE YOU HAVE DESTROYED THEM!
Look at how a baby, an unborn creature, is sucked away in the womb (!), is burned (!), is murdered (!) or, worse still, is snatched from the mother's womb, in order to get then LIVELY 'juices' withdrawn, because they serve those, who are unscrupulous and without conscience, for further bestial activities and uses, and look, which' terrible trade is driven with children, is committed at them, and they suffer with living body. Children suffer because of so many things that I do not want to comment on in words.
It is more shameful than the greatest shame, and I, your John, saw what happens to the fetuses, the babies and the children in your world today.
I spare you the details of these images, My child, because they would make you cry and haunt you, so cruel, so terrible, so inhuman, so bestial they are.
My child. Tell the children to stay away from sin! Today, the worst of all sins are committed through sexuality. I do not show you these pictures in detail, because they would also follow you.
Tell the children they must control themselves! Their urges must control them!
The Father has laid out this creation, you, My children, so wonderfully, but EVERYTHING has degenerated through your greed!
You always want only more and that of EVERYTHING, and you do not care if others suffer (for it)!
You have become selfish beings, and your reward will be that, which you have worked out for yourselves during your lifetime!
I tell you again: The Father holds His protective hand over many of you, but they are the children of the light of Jesus. But all the others I saw fall into hell like vermin. And this day, My children, is approaching!
I, your John, had to suffer by the sight of your present time. The Holy Angel explained much to Me, because I could not believe it possible.
There has always been much sin in this world, since the first Fall, but, My children, you surpass all that has gone before, and that is why the Father intervenes!
This was the only relief I felt when I saw what the end times would be like and the angel gave Me these comforting words:
The Father intervenes and His true children are not lost, but much suffering will still befall this earth, and only he who is truly with Jesus and can persevere, only he, My children, only he who is truly faithful, will be lifted up, and that has been My comfort when I saw all the misery.
I will make more known to you as soon as the Father tells Me to do so.
Your John. Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥