Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 18, 2023
On March 05, 2023 at Holy Place
- Message No. 1400-11 -

Message from John
My child. I, your John, saw so much disaster in your world.
I, your John, saw what would happen at the end of time, it is this time, My child, the time in which you are living right now.
It happened through the great apostasy of mankind, My child, that your world turned ( transformed) into a false world.
What is happening today is happening because man is making his decisions WITHOUT God the Father. It happens because man puts himself in the place of God. It happens because you have allowed yourselves to be seduced and corrupted by the devil himself. It happens because you do not believe in the Father and not in His incarnated Son, Jesus Christ, do not live according to the commandments of the Father and trample Jesus' teachings underfoot!
It happens because you all want to realize yourselves instead of trusting in the Lord and believing that HIS will and HIS providence are the right way for you into eternity. It happens because you -so many- do not believe in any eternity!
It happens because you have given power to the devil through YOUR sins, and it happens because you have distanced yourselves from the God-given laws and have turned and are turning them into the opposite!
You are concerned about YOUR advantage and no longer see the truth!
You have become selfish beings and no longer live in the unity of God!
You have broken the covenant with HIM, who created you, and now see how it looks in your world and see what you will get out of it: Suffering and sorrow and hardship and more hardship, anxiety and fear and struggle for survival! This has become your reality, and it will get much worse if you do not repent, beloved children, if you do not find your way to the Lord, your Savior Jesus Christ.
The Father told you: Take advantage of this Lent, and I, your John, say to you: do what the Father says!
It is your only chance not to get lost, beloved children. All this I saw so long, long ago!
You must obey and keep the Father's commandments. You can still be forgiven! The mercy of the Lord and Father is great, so great, but the last hour will have struck soon. You must convert and begin to pray, for what I saw and wrote and ate at the behest of the angel can be mitigated and changed, but you are running out of time! You must do something NOW, otherwise you will not withstand the last time and, marked with the mark of the beast, you will be lost for eternity. It is the sad truth that I bring to you today.
Listen to God, Our Lord and Father and Creator!
Keep His commandments!
Jesus is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven! He is the way to the Father! With HIM and through HIM you will be lifted up at the end of this time!
So listen to My word, because I saw what happened! Amen.
Yours and your John. Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥