Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 18, 2023
At Holy Place on March 03, 2023
- Message No. 1400-10 -

Message from John
My child. The time in which I wrote was unpleasant. The Christians were persecuted. That time is returning, coming back.
My child. I saw that time of persecution of Christians at the end of the time before Jesus came.
Many suffered greatly, were killed and tortured, but Jesus took them all to Himself and their souls were not lost.
Many priests I saw tilt, that is, they followed the beast instead of standing firm and following Jesus.
So many shepherds drove their sheep -you, My children- in the wrong direction, and so many of those sheep headed straight to hell without hope of salvation, because they were deaf to the truth and blind. They ran after what was wrong, and they did much wrong. Convinced that they had to impose what they thought was right on everyone else, these also existed, My child, you have them around you.
So. I saw the great persecution of Christians, but even here your prayer can -and has- changed.
I saw how the Antichrist entered the Holy Church of Jesus. The preparations for this had made the False Prophet and his henchmen longest for this and stamped for it of course 'the others' responsibly, but the instructions came DIRECTLY from the so-called Holy See, only that this was not occupied with a Holy Pope.
I saw how more and more worshipped the Antichrist and thus hidden -or also openly- the beast, and I saw how in the need many, many innumerable children tilted and accepted his sign.
The time of endurance became too long for them. They did not hold out, did not stand firm, and in order not to starve or be cast out of society, to be, they ultimately accepted the mark.
This, however, meant the eternal death of them and their children, for they had it impressed upon them also.
Many 'vermin' fell into hell, but they were all human souls who should not have been lost, had they remained strong and faithful, had they accepted the truth, had they not lapsed into lukewarm beings, into convenient comfort and luxury beings who seemed to be empty shells, yet satisfied their longing with all that the devil offered them, instead of finding their way to Jesus.
My child. It was cruel and sad for Me to see how many children live lost in this world. They ALL had a chance, but they did not find to Jesus.
The devil did a very good preliminary work for a long time, and thus it was easy for him to steal so many children and to lead them into a corner and finally into ruin, his hell; they went of their own free will, only they did not know it.
Those who knew were lied to and deceived. They let themselves be lied to by the father of lies himself. This is now their reward.
But the others, My child, shared much more sadness with Me, for they sought, many of them, and were most shamefully deceived. These are the children who, after the schism of your Holy Church, run straight to the false one, worship him and get lost.
My child. It is very complex what I saw. And I saw it for this time in which you live.
Tell the children: Pray, pray, My children, for the worst can be mitigated, even averted.
My child. I saw the hunger. The made hunger. The drought, the heat.
Your sun is burning, and you must be careful. Many skin diseases it will bring you, so protect yourselves, My children.
The weather, My child, is the weather of the end times. It was predicted, and it is what I also saw.
All these are signs, My children, but so many do not see them, do not want to see them. I also saw this for this time, that people closed their eyes to these and other truths.
And the Church, My child. So few priests are still faithful to Jesus! So few preach His true Word!
But so many are changing! So many modernize!
They are unscrupulous and place themselves in 'holy light' instead of letting the Lord shine and radiate, and I tell you: Their light is unholy! I saw that too, My child.
There does not have to be hunger in your world, but through hunger, through wars and other shameful acts, they are getting closer and closer to their goals: the One World Government and Religion.
My child. I saw that the Father heard His pleading children.
So pray, for it is prayer, your prayer, that will help to make the end milder and more endurable. Amen.
Your John. Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥