Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Do Not Be Blinded by ‘False’ Truths!
- Message No. 1395 -

Message of January 19, 2023
My child. Difficult times now begin, but fear nothing.
He who remains in prayer has nothing to fear.
Remain vigilant, beloved children that you are, for the devil is deceitful, treacherous and tempts you!
Many partial truths, which almost look as if they are completely true, will now be presented to you, only for you to be led onto false paths! Be careful and watchful, because traps are hidden in these partial truths!
So protect yourselves and read and hear and see even more attentively than you already do, because:
The devil tempts you, and only those who remain completely guarded and hidden in Me, calling on My Holy Spirit daily and pleading to the Father, will be spared from the wiles, deceitfulness and snares of the devil!
Pray, beloved children, pray much and fervently. Your eternity is at stake.
So look carefully, listen carefully and do not be blinded by 'false' truths!
In them are hidden the traps of evil, therefore do not believe everything you read, hear and see, even if it appears to you to be true, for in truth is hidden the trap, therefore be careful and pray for clarity, insight and understanding daily to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your Jesus who loves you, warn you:
Many truths are now coming to light, but be careful, for many traps are hidden in them, and ONLY HE WHO IS WISE WILL KNOW THEM AS WHAT THEY ARE (trap)! Amen.
Stay alert, stay ready. All is very near. Amen.
Yours and your Jesus, Who I Am. Amen.
The Father is testing you, beloved children that you are. Stay strong, alert and vigilant!
Pray to the Holy Spirit much and daily, so that you may be preserved from snares and traps!
I, your Jesus,am with you. Stay preserved in Me, then you will get through this time safe and sound.
The Father cares. I care. Pray much, pray and plead for mitigation and shortening of the time. The Father hears your prayers!
The time is already shortened, but you must continue to pray and plead, because what is coming now, so many children will not get through. Only your prayer can save them. Only your prayer and supplication to the Father. Amen.
I love you very much. No child who is truly faithful to Me will be lost. This I promise you. Amen.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children and Savior of the world. Amen.
My coming is near, but be watchful: first comes My adversary, and that time is near. It is very near. Amen.
Hold on and stay ready. I, your Jesus, will come to lift you up. That time is also near. So be ready at all times!
The Father intervenes, so pray and plead to Him daily. Only by mitigating and shortening the time will you be able to persevere. Make yourselves aware of this and pray much, fervently and implore to the Father!
Only those who plead to the Holy Spirit will persevere through the confusion, chaos and aberration. So ask Him and pray to Him daily.
A very confusing time is coming. Only your prayer will keep you in clarity. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus. Amen.
Children must pray, My child, much and fervently and plead. Only your prayer will save you from the worst, only all your prayer. Amen.
Your loving Jesus, with My Most Holy Mother in Heaven and My Father, who is also yours. Amen.
The time is getting hard. So pray much, for your prayer softens. Amen.
Source: ➥