Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Tell them...!
- Message No. 1368 -

My child. Tell the children that bad times are coming, but also tell them that I, their Jesus, love them with all My heart.
Tell them that My Father and I hear all prayers, and tell them that it is their prayer that mitigates and restrains the worst.
Tell them how much their prayers please Us, My Father and Me, but tell themalso, that they may address them fervently to Us.
Tell them that Our love is infinite, and tell them that through their prayer many more calamities will be kept away.
Tell them that through their prayer they change so much, and tell them that through their prayer many more children will be converted.
Tell them that My Holy Spirit is waiting for them to speak, and tell them that HE is sent to touch the hearts of those who are still apostates.
Tell them that it is through their prayer that their loved ones can also be saved, but tell them that their prayers must be done with heart and faith.
Tell them that it is not too late to repent, and tell them that they may always remain faithful and devoted to Me, their Jesus.
Your world is in turmoil, that is, many calamities shall and will befall you, but the extent depends on YOUR PRAYER (!), beloved children that you are.
The devil is raging, the chastening hand of the Father will strike, and good to him who heeds My and Our Word in these messages, good to him who is faithful to Me, his Jesus, Savior and Redeemer, good to him who prays fervently and with heart blood!
The more you pray, the milder will be the end!
The more you pray, the more children will find the way to Me, to their Jesus!
The more you pray, the easier it will be for you!
The more you pray, the easier the Father's judgment will be for you!
Pray, beloved children that you are, pray, for a praying heart is in love. It is at peace and it rejoices. It believes and keeps hope.
So pray, beloved children that you are, for through your prayer you remain strong and steadfast and mitigate the worst calamities.
Pray, My children, pray, for if you do not pray, you will soon have hoped never to have interrupted prayer!
I, your Jesus, love you very much. Your prayer mitigates, and your prayer makes many miracles of this time happen!
So pray fervently and with a devout and believing heart to Me, to the Father, to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Pray to My Mother, for it is Her rosary prayers that work so much good!
Pray and ask also your saints, for through them I make many miracles happen. Amen.
Yours and your Jesus of the Cross. Amen.
My child. Your world is coming to an end, but people live (on), as if this were not true. But I say to you: Convert, so that you will not be lost, and pray.
Pray, My children, pray. Amen.
Your Jesus in agony. Amen.
Source: ➥