Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Never were the aberrations from My teachings greater!
- Message No. 1365 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth how much I am suffering. Never were the aberrations from My teachings greater, the possibilities My adversary offers you so immense and abysmally wrong, never was the apostasy so immensely visible and widespread in your world, never was the human behavior so presumptuous and wrong and directed AGAINST MY AND THE FATHER'S COMMANDMENTS AND TEACHINGS, as it is becoming more and more normal and accepted in your world today, never has the aberration of My children been so great, the division within My Holy Church so immense and vicious, and the acceptance of the immoral teachings, customs and rituals of those who work against Me so widespread and recognized and accepted as today, never have your customs and morals been so abysmally devious, never has evil been so present and accepted as is the case in your world today.
Children, awaken, for it is of the highest time! You must break this vicious circle, and you must break out of it!
Stand against immorality!
Stand against the shamelessness of your world today!
Don't watch the devil (and his henchmen and elite) gain more and more 'land'! Stand against it and show that your today's almost area-wide immorality is a 'No Go'! Show your 'colors' to Me, My beloved children, to your so much loving and waiting for you Jesus, WHO AM YOUR REDEMPTOR!
I alone, beloved children that you are, I alone AM the way out of your misery orchestrated by the devil and accepted worldwide! I alone Am the way to the Father and to the Kingdom of Heaven! Only through Me, through your Jesus, will you attain eternal life in glory, only through Me will you attain eternal joy and bliss, only through Me, beloved children that you are.
I, your Jesus, implore you to reject and not to accept the new doctrine that threatens to dominate your whole world. Whoever accepts it will perish, and nothing will I be able to do for him then. Whoever accepts it, whoever is a follower, will not attain the New Kingdom! Whoever plays along with the devil will soon have his rude awakening. Therefore, beloved children of the Remnant Army, remain strong, faithful and devoted to Me, your Jesus, and pray!
Pray for the poor souls in purgatory! Pray for peace in your world! Pray for the conversion of humanity, because the more children find the way to Me, to their Jesus, the milder the end will be!
Pray and plead to the Father in heaven, HE may mitigate, give ease and shorten the time. My Father will give justice, but only the one who is truly faithful and devoted to Me will be spared from His wrath!
Use the hour of mercy, for whoever rejects My mercy, does not accept it, justice will overtake him, and good to him who has preferred My mercy to justice!
You have no idea how much suffering/s will await you if you do not accept My mercy! Accept it to be spared from the just punishment, which will befall all of you, each one of you, if you turn your back on My mercy! You will all have hoped to have accepted it when that day, that hour, arrives!
My children. I, your Jesus in agony, suffer greatly for your sins. My Mother weeps tears of blood in so many parts of your world. I cry them, but this is concealed from you (for the most part). Only a few get to see this, only a few learn about it.
My children, get ready, because the end is rolling over you, and good to him who is completely with Me, with his Jesus. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus, Who I Am.
Redeemer of all God's children and Savior of the world. Amen.
Source: ➥