Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 26, 2022
The line to evil is so easy to cross...!
- Message No. 1360 -

My child. My resurrection will also be yours, and My ascension will also be yours. You are on the verge of the collapse of your earth, and My Father, God, the Most High, will raise His children, and none will He, the Almighty, let perish, and I, yours and your Jesus, will be with you, and happily we will live in My New Kingdom.
So say it to the children of the world: you shall not perish, beloved children that you are, for whoever is in Me, his Jesus, in him I am also, and whoever is faithful and devoted to Me, his Savior, to him shall be salvation, and whoever remains strong, steadfast and truly faithful to Me UNTIL THE END, him shall I exalt, and happily and without sorrow/s he shall live in My Kingdom, and that time is near, it is so near.
So tell the children of the earth: As I am risen, so shall you also be risen, but you must remain strong and faithful and never give in to evil.
The temptations are numerous, and more and more numerous they become. The line to evil is so easy to cross, and the devil does everything to make it even easier for you to fall into his traps of sin!
You must remain vigilant and faithful to Me, because only a soul devoted to Me will experience all the fullness and joy that is laid out and intended for it by the Father.
You must remain vigilant, for the time will become even more confusing, and good to him who has prepared himself and is ready for all the now coming events, good to him who is ready for the announced events, good to him who is truly faithful to Me, his Jesus, until the end!
Much confusion will now be brought among you, but he who is ready will have nothing to fear. He will know how to discern, and he will put 1 and 1 together and recognize!
Never believe those who go about, because they do everything to throw you like food before the feet of the devil!
You must remain vigilant and always in prayer.
The attacks on My faithful children are great, and numerous demons have been sent by the devil to take possession of My children.
Fear not, for My holy angels are ready for your protection, but you must pray and ask THEM for protection!
Pray to the Father and to the Holy Spirit! You need the heavenly protection, the heavenly clarity that the Holy Spirit will give you when you pray to HIM!
Your prayer MUST be done daily and directed to HIM, for the times are darkening and the number of demons roaming the world is great!
It is easy for them to seduce, confuse or enter the unsettled and/or erring in faith!
So stay strong and remain faithful at all times, and you will have nothing to fear!
The Father cares, if you ask HIM in fervent prayer!
Plead for shortening of time, because the cruelest is planned, and only a few of you will remain strong until the end. Therefore plead for mitigation and for shortening of time!
The Father loves you! He created each one of you in love, and for each one of you His heavenly gate is open, if you are and remain with Me, with your Jesus!
Many children will not withstand the temptations, be told:
Pray more, pray more intensely and do NOTHING without asking the Holy Spirit for clarity and guidance!
HE who can give you enlightenment hears you and helps if you ask HIM in prayer!
So take My words to heart, because hard times are ahead, and good to him who keeps the perspective and remains in clarity! Blessed is he who remains completely devoted to Me, his Jesus! Blessed is he who trustingly turns to the Holy Spirit of the Father! Blessed is he who pleads to the Father for protection and mitigation and lightening and shortening of time!
You will obtain mitigation, but you must pray, beloved children that you are!
Those who do not pray will soon have hoped to have prayed!
I love you very much.
My protection is aware of those who truly love Me. Amen.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children and Redeemer of the world. Amen.
Source: ➥