Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
My warning is upon you!
- Message No. 1349 -

Oh, My child, I suffer greatly. If you only knew how great My suffering is for you, My beloved children of the earth, you would give Me relief by all your prayers, by your reverence to Me, your Jesus, and to My Father, your Father in Heaven, and you would stay away from sin, because with every sin, that you / your fellow brothers and sisters commit, you pierce My Heart that loves you so much, and with every sin that you commit, you strike Me again on the cross, so much do My wounds bleed for your sins, so much does it pain Me when you, My beloved children, sin.
My child. Please tell the children of the world to be prepared, because only a prepared soul will be able to receive Me, its Jesus, Savior Who I AM, duly and worthily, only the one who has washed himself clean and clothed himself anew, in purest garments (=pure soul) will be able to receive Me, His Jesus, as He Who I AM!
Children, be ready for Me, because My warning overtakes you when you least expect it!
My Father, God Almighty, has set the date, and woe to him who has not made himself ready. He will suffer when he sees his sins, and many will not be able to endure My light and their sins and the consequences caused by them, so much (severe) will it hit them that they will die instantly.
So be ready, beloved children that you are, because when My warning comes, good to him who has washed himself clean, because only he who is washed clean, who has prepared himself honestly, sincerely and with a sincere heart for this so merciful event, will recognize and experience it as such!
But whoever is not ready, if his sinfulness, his guilt of sin, allows it -and it depends on you, beloved children that you are- has the possibility to convert at that moment, to fall on his knees and to beg Me, his Jesus, for forgiveness. This soul will not be lost. I, his Jesus, will be merciful to it, because My and the Father's mercy is great, it is infinite.
So be ready, beloved children of the earth, for this event is now imminent. You do not know the date, but be certain that it is near. Amen.
I, your Jesus of the Cross, suffer greatly for your sins. So bring them before Me in holy confession and with a contrite heart and repent. Do not receive Me impurely, for whoever does so has no respect for Me, no love for Me, his so loving and waiting Jesus. I ask you, therefore:
Confess before receiving the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, for only a pure soul is worthy to receive Me, its Jesus, in this Sacrament. Amen.
Yours and your Jesus of the Holy Cross. Amen.
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