Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Do not accept anything from satanic offers!
- Message No. 1331 -

My child. Do not fall for today's lies, because they are not true. Everything is a great farce, and you must remain strong and steadfast.
Hard times are coming, but My Father's holy angels are sent to you so that God's people will not be lost and can and will walk strong and steadfast through these last times!
My child. So many have already gone astray, but they still have a chance to find their way back to the true path to Me, to their Jesus. They are blinded by the lies of the media, the lies of your politicians, medical profession and paramedics, and many believing children are running after the False Prophet. If they do not repent, they will be lost, and I, their Jesus, will not be able to do anything for them. It causes much suffering to My Sacred Heart, but they have been deceived and do not follow Me, but (the) man.
Children wake up, because if you do not follow Me, you will follow the wrong one and you will be lost to him who sends his Son, and (who) will be celebrated as the one he is not!
Have courage, My children, have courage! Those who join in celebrating the 'false' masses are worshipping the beast!
Stay strong, My children, stay strong and steadfast! Whoever bears the mark of the beast will be lost to the beast!
Stand firm, My children, stand firm and firm in faith, then the beast will not gain power over you.
He who is coming is not Me, yet he will be celebrated and worshipped as Me. The one who is (already) here is not sent by My Father.
So learn to discern and trust in Me alone, in your Jesus who loves you so much and suffers for you, because when I come, I will not dwell among you a second time.
Learn to discernand prepare yourselves. My warning is near, as is the end, so be ready, for I will come to conquer, and that time is not far off.
But stay alert, because before I come, the Antichrist is coming, and you will take him for Me if you are not ready, My children.
Be warned, for whoever falls for the Antichrist will be lost. Amen.
These are confusing times, but he who is fully established in Me, in his Jesus, will know how to discern. Amen.
I love you very much. Be ready, My children, be ready.
Pray always to the Holy Spirit to keep you from confusion and going astray, and ask for clarity and the gift of discernment.
Your prayer is important! Your prayer is precious, and your prayer is the weapon in this difficult time. Amen.
Come to Me, My beloved children, come to Me, to your Jesus, because I am waiting for you. Do not run after those who run away, but be completely with Me. In Me you will find the strength and perseverance you need for this time and the time to come. Who trusts in Me, I help him. I take care of the one who gives himself completely to Me.
But never forget to pray, My children, because your prayer IS important! Through your prayers you avert so many evils and atrocities. Your prayers ARE the stumbling blocks that make it so difficult for the devil and his elite to carry out their cruel plans.
So pray, My children, pray, for your prayer is power, strength and the shield against all evil!
If you would only realize how precious and powerful and miraculous prayer is!
Pray, My children, pray, for without your prayer, very difficult days will come upon you.
Your prayer holds back and deters so much of the planned evil, if only you could see it, you would not stop praying, beloved children that you are!
So use prayer, for the Father intervenes when you pray and plead, and HE mitigates, beloved children, HE mitigates, and the one who remains completely hidden in Me, HE will protect and guide through this time.
So pray, believe and trust and do not accept anything from satanic offers! You will perish if you accept them! So stay strong and remain steadfast and pray, My children.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus with God the Father, the saints and holy angelic hosts gathered here, and with Mary, My Most Holy Mother, who is also your Mother. Amen.
Source: ➥