Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 30, 2021
You walk as if everything is not true!
- Message No. 1316 -

My suffering is great in this time. Oh, if only you could see the end. It is near, so near, but you walk as if everything is not true, disregarding what We tell you, what We show you and living as if everything would 'go on' again, but it will not.
Children, awaken, you are closer to the end than you think -than you are willing to believe-. Recognize the signs of the times and pray.
Whoever does not listen to Me, whoever does not recognize Me, his Jesus, as THE ONE WHO I AM, will very soon have his eyes opened, but for so many of you it will then already be too late.
Judge not, for you have no right to do so!
Do not condemn, because you do not know about the truth!
Remain small and faithful to Me, your Jesus in agony, for only the one who is completely with Me is preserved from confusion and going astray.
But to him who prefers to follow those who come along, I say: You cannot serve 2 masters, and you do so if you listen to those and/or him who says he comes from Me.
So choose well, My children, because only I, your Jesus, am your Savior, but he, who pretends to do good in My name, does not lead you to Me. He has entered into a pact with the evil one, the devil, and he is leading you to ruin. So remain vigilant, for he who says he comes from Me is sent by the devil, and your soul he will steal if you continue to follow him and those who run away from him.
I love you very much. Stay vigilant and faithful to Me.
Your Jesus in agony.
I suffer so much for all the lost children. Pray for them so that they too may find their way (back) to Me, for they have gone astray from the path to Me and are getting lost and more and more entangled in the web of lies of the evil one.
I love you. Always remain faithful and devoted to Me. Only I, your Jesus, will guide you now and always. Whoever is not with Me will have a hard time. His awakening will be evil, for he has not listened to Me and has preferred the worldly voices to Mine. Amen. All is said. Amen.
St. Bonaventure:
The end is coming. See the signs. Amen.
Source: ➥