Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 9, 2021
...if you want to win this fight!
- Message No. 1313 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for responding to My call. It is very important what I (and We) have to say to you today:
A war is coming, but do not be afraid. You must be strong and obedient now, because through much prayer, your prayer, My beloved children, you can avert and hold back the worst, ie: The more you pray, and the MORE you pray, the lighter will be the punishment that will overtake the children.
Know that it is already boiling and many flocks are about to explode. The more you rebel against your governments, the more violence they -will- use, but they will ALL fail when the day comes. You must convert if you want to win this battle, for only those who have found their way to their Creator will enter the New Era, the New Kingdom of My Son who loves you so much. He who continues to live only on the outside will never win! The devil has crept in, and only who is truly with My Son, your Jesus, will overcome him and his snares, peppered with seductions and false ways. Jesus is with him. He will guide him.
Little children. Only your prayer can hold back and avert the worst now. You must convert, for only through conversion will you reap fruit. From front to back you are lied to, from left to right, from top to bottom, and you do not realize it! Wake up, because it is not the time to sleep on and certainly not to choose the most comfortable of all ways! Do not give in to temptations and remain strong. Many war hotbeds are boiling hot, but you do not see it. You will soon suffer hunger if you do not awaken, My beloved children that you are, because the elite of evil does not sleep, and with all means it will try to implement its goals.
Your Internet will bring you down! Be warned! Do not rely on this and no other new age technologies, because they will use all for their goal realization! You are very close to the end, beloved children that you are, but you must endure and persevere. The Father intervenes, but much suffering will still come to you. You are playing to evil when you accept these absurd measures that are being enacted worldwide! Don't you see it? You will never regain your freedom and allow yourselves to be enslaved more and more. Only the strong will survive in the plans of the super-elite, but, beloved children that you are, the Father, God, your Creator of all, has a plan. So prepare yourselves and convert, for whoever is completely with the Creator will be protected by His plan. The Father does not abandon His children, but you must confess Jesus, truly, honestly and wholeheartedly so that you will not be lost and fall prey to the elite.
In the end, it is all about your fall so that you may not attain Eternal Life, because the devil wants to deceive you so that you can be tormented forever WITHOUT the Father coming to the rescue through Jesus, your Savior. This decision, My children, is entirely up to you. So choose well, because whoever does not choose My Son automatically chooses the devil, and to the devil he will go if he does not awaken and confess Jesus. Amen.
So listen to My call and turn back. Only through Jesus will you find salvation, but the devil will torment you for all eternity.
Only Jesus is your Savior, HE alone. Amen.
So pray, My children, pray, for prayer keeps away much of the planned evil.
St. Michael the Archangel is at your side with His heavenly host of angels, but you must give your yes to Jesus.
He will protect you in these days of struggle, but you must ask for this protection.
The Father has already sent and is sending His Holy Angels for your protection, but only to him who is with Jesus will they hasten to protect!
So believe and trust, because everything is prepared.
It will come blow by blow, and it will hit especially hard those who lull themselves in earthly security.
Only Jesus is your security, there is no earthly one for you. So trust completely in My Son, so that you will not perish and be lost. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, warn you today, for wars are threatening to break out, and famine is already planned. So do not trust in those who lie to you, but run to My Son. It is not too late, but soon darkness will fall upon you. Amen.
I love you very much.
Be ready.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption with St. Michael the Archangel.
Source: ➥