Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
It is the time of perseverance, prayer, conversion!
- Message No. 1297 -

My child. Hold on. My Second Coming IS near, but many calamities will still overtake your world. But never be afraid, for My Father mitigates and shortens and protects those children who are truly with Me, with their Jesus.
My child. We are not allowed to give time. So hold on. It will happen very quickly. The Antichrist has been ready for a long time, but he is not allowed to show himself. My warning will come, but know that with each day it is delayed (put off), even more children will find their way and faith to Me, to Me, and that is the point: To convert as many more children as possible, and to strengthen you, My faithful followers, in faith in Me, in your Jesus.
We told you that there are no easy times ahead, and see how heavy they are already on you. The devil tempts all My children, but whoever remains firmly anchored in prayer and in Me, in his Jesus, HAS NOTHING TO FEAR!
Your prayers bear fruit WORLDWIDE (!) and more and more children wake up, awaken. So keep praying, because your prayer converts, mitigates, helps, purifies -the list is long and good. I love you very much. The road to Golgotha is almost complete and then, when the truly worst time begins, it is not far.
So hold on, because: It is the time to persevere, to pray, to repent.
The false prophet already believes himself certain of victory, but he will not reach his goal. Those who follow him blindly will be lost if they do not repent and trust only in Me, in their Jesus.
The Antichrist acts in the background. In 'his' circles he is already known. It is all as it is written in these messages, My children, but do not interpret time into it, for you will be disappointed because you do not understand.
Only persevere and remain in prayer and faithful and devoted to Me, your Jesus.
Only I Am the way, and this is now almost accomplished. Then, My children, the glorious time dawns. So hope, believe, trust, for I, your Jesus, am with you, all the time of the end, all the way to the New Kingdom. Amen.
It is the time of perseverance, perseverance. Amen.
Your Jesus of the Holy Cross. Amen.
Source: ➥