Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Pray! Plead! Only through HIS intervention will you be able to persevere!
- Message No. 1288 -

My child. Please tell the children to convert, for there is only a very short time left, and I, your Jesus so loving you, carrying the cross, do not want one of My children to be lost, but, beloved children that you are, there is not much time left, and when mercy must give way, justice will come, and then, My beloved children, it will be too late for so many of you.
My child. Tell the children that the time that remains is very, very short, and that they must now profess Me. For those who do not prepare, it will be very difficult.
Bad times are coming, and only a soul strengthened in Me will be able to remain steadfast and faithful to Me, and persevere.
Pray and plead to the Father, He may stop, because only through the shortening of time, which happens through HIS intervention, you will be able to persevere, only through HIM, the Almighty Father, you will obtain relief and mitigation, only through HIM, My beloved children, only through the Almighty Father in Heaven, your Creator of all. Amen.
So prayand plead for mitigation and shortening of time. Sacrifice and atone, for your sacrifice, your atonement, accomplishes so much good.
I love you very much. The warning is near, and I, your Jesus, stand ready.
So be it.
With deep love.
Your Jesus, carrying the cross.
When the way is accomplished, a terrible time begins, but all souls, children, who are with Me, truly faithful and devoted and surrendered to Me, HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR.
My Father's protective hand will rest upon you, and you will come through this time unscathed if you remain in perfect trust and faithfulness to Me, to your Jesus. Amen.
Your Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥