Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, April 3, 2021
It is about your eternity!
- Message No. 1286 -

At the Easter Vigil
The Lord is risen,
so rejoice, you true Christian,
for He loves you so much,
do suffer for you more and more.
go with you to the end.
the Lord will, you will see,
but you must be faithful and peaceful,
in humility and pure in heart,
then the Lord will lift you up
from this time of so much suffering,
which is imposed on you all,
from the devil and his followers with cunning
they have managed to lock you up
and ruin the world market,
for this and much more evil,
is the goal of the evil one with his army.
but the Father will put a stop to it,
but you must plead and convert,
for soon, very soon, there will be light in the firmament of heaven,
and you will see the signs all over the world,
about which things are really bad,
and only through repentance and penance the way will not be blocked for you
into the New Kingdom of the Lord,
which is now not too far away.
You will see it, dear people,
soon, soon the peals of heaven will ring out,
and you better be ready for that day,
when the Lord gives you His act of mercy,
which will enlighten your souls all',
so prepare yourselves, for otherwise it will be a torment
to bear your own sins,
which you will see, dear child,
and will shake you if you are not ready,
for the Lord and this merciful time.
so make yourselves ready,
for the time that remains
is very short, My child,
and you better turn back quickly,
before that day will come for you,
because it could be that otherwise you will lose your life,
from sorrow, pain and anguish of soul.
over your sin and your choice,
which you did not make for the Lord Christ,
now it is too late, and you cannot go back.
I love you very much and pray for you,
but there is only a very short time left.
so prepare yourselves, for time is running out,
give your YES to the Lord, and do not run away from HIM,
for only HE can guide you through the last time,
so you better all be ready for HIM.
confess all again and repent of your sins,
for the warning is near, and only repentant children
will be happy and joyful and full of gladness,
and very close to the Lord, so be ready.
little time now remains and the end is near,
be ready for the Lord and save yourselves from the torment,
of the fall into hell, which will bring you sorrow and grief
and torment that never ends.
So always be ready for Jesus Christ the Lord,
for only HE will save you, and that time is not far off.
I love you very much, be ready for the Lord,
do not sleep any longer and do not stay away from the Lord any longer.
HE is your Savior, your Redeemer, Jesus Christ,
and the time is now almost complete.
With melancholy in my heart I take leave of you,
Your Bonaventure: It is about your eternity.
Source: ➥