Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 25, 2021
You will no longer be free people!
- Message No. 1277 -

My child. My dear child. Only Jesus can guide you through this time, which will now soon reach its peak of wickedness, immorality and decadence!
With the introduction of the digital vaccination passport the evil one and his followers will see his goal of the one-world-government achieved, it builds one of the cornerstones he needs to realize this goal. More will follow, for
The remnant army of My Son, however, despite atonement, suffering and hardship, WILL be led through this time.
My Son is with you, beloved children that you are, so trust completely in and in HIM, Jesus, who loves you ALL so much!
You must hurry, beloved children that you are, because the time that remains to you is short, very short, and much prayer is still needed, for you, for your brothers and sisters of the Remnant Army, and for all your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Do not think that times will get easier, because the 'false happiness' promised to you by those who do not love you will soon show its true face! You do not see it, you do not hear it, but I, your Mother in Heaven with Jesus and the saints gathered here, tell you that what 'they' promise you will not be!
You will no longer be free people if you fall for the promises of 'newfound freedoms'! The media lie to you, they are only the extended arm of those who want your downfall! Do not listen to them (the mainstream media), because their reporting serves only their (elite) propaganda. They intimidate you, they scare you, in order to get you with ease where 'they' want you!
Unfortunately, you will soon see no way out, and more and more of you will fold, and give in to the evil machinations.
Have you learned nothing, beloved children that you are? Turn to Me, to your Jesus, and together I will walk this path with you! Trust in Me, in your Savior who loves you so much, because only I can guide you through this time. The warning will come and the division will become even greater, but persevere, for the kingdom of evil will not come to completion! Pray, My children, pray.
The most difficult times are ahead of you, but a pure, humble soul that loves Me will remain steadfast and faithful to Me, but you must pray, pray, pray, so that the worst will be held back and the Father will shorten the time.
Only your prayer can bring this about. Only all of your prayer.
Pray for the desperate among you, for they do not know Me or do not really know Me. A soul that is totally with Me will persevere, and it will stand firm, because it trusts Me, and I, its Jesus, will not leave it alone. So pray and trust completely in Me, My children, because only I can and will guide you through this time of the end. Amen.
Your Jesus, who I am. And your Mother in Heaven, with the saints gathered here. Amen.
Source: ➥