Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
You are gambling away your eternity if you continue to pretend that everything is normal!
- Message No. 1269 -

My child. Tell the children they MUST pray. So much prayer is needed, and so many go on living AS IF NOTHING HAPPENS.
My child. My dear child. Tell the children how far they have come, and that the end is near. Tell them that they must prepare NOW already, because the lies are great, the events are overturning, and Our Holy Churches are more and more attacked, desecrated and misused for satanic purposes.
The devil and his henchmen stop at NOTHING, and they desecrate more and more your Holy Places, your Holy Places, and your Holy Churches, THE CHURCH OF MY SON, your Savior. Those who do not find their way to HIM now will have a hard time, because a time is coming when you will no longer be able to visit the churches. This time is near, My children.
So listen to My Word and prepare yourselves, because when the 'holiness' is robbed from you, your Holy Masses, the desecration of the sanctuaries (churches, places, etc.), and the Holy Eucharist is taken from you, then, My beloved children that you are, you should be with Jesus.
So find your way to HIM now, for the times are darkening, and all that is holy shall be taken from you. The One World Religion will be imposed on you, and woe to him who opposes it, for the devil's henchmen will persecute him, and many of you will snap, like a flower, and fall over and follow the wrong one out of fear. DO NOT DO THIS(!), for it will be your downfall!
Find Jesus now, be ready for HIM, and remain faithful to HIM. HE will lead you through this time, and good to him who has already made himself ready! Blessed is he who is already with Jesus! And good to the one who follows Jesus faithfully and devotedly, because the one who is not established IN MY SON will experience bad days.
I love you very much. Believe in Our Word in these messages, for they are for your preparation, and good to him who heeds them, implements them, and is ready for his Savior and established in HIM. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation.
Listen to My call, beloved children that you are, and prepare yourselves. The end is so near, and you are gambling away your eternity if you continue to act as if everything is normal. Amen.
Source: ➥