Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
"Prayer works the miracles of this time!"
- Message No. 1180 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming to Me, to Us, today. Listen, My daughter, to what We have to say to you today: When the days darken, never be afraid, but pray.
Already you notice, many notice, that your time is not enough. A day has 24 hours, you say, but those 24 hours are not the same as they were long ago. Partly because distractions and "time fillers" dominate your day, but this is not reason alone, and many of you already know this.
So now when the days "darken", pray and never be afraid. Your prayers will be heard and glad the one who has learned to pray, because the one who prays is in contact with Jesus, the one who prays KNOWS MY SON, the one who prays, sincerely, honestly and intimately, has found the way to My Son, but your heart must shout for joy in prayer, because otherwise you are not yet with HIM!
So pray, My children, and do not be afraid. God the Father will shorten the end, ask HIM, and so it will be.
Rejoice and ask for mitigation, for the LORD hears your prayers, and in His mercy the end will be "bearable" for all those who are truly faithful and devoted to HIM.
No cross that weighs upon you is greater or heavier than that which My Son bore. Always ask HIM for help and assistance, for guidance and clarity through the Holy Spirit.
Remain in prayer, beloved children that you are. That is all I can tell you, all We can tell you today. Amen.
Pray, My children, pray, for prayer works the miracles of this time. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation, with Jesus and the saints. Amen.
Source: ➥