Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 23, 2017
"The Father hears your prayers, so pray, for it is urgent! Amen." - "Elections and Europe"
- Message No. 1167 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming today as well. Please tell Our children the following:
You must pray, My children, because your prayer is strong!
You must pray, My children, because from prayer you draw the strength you need in this difficult time.
You must pray, My children, because through your prayer you CHANGE so much!
You must pray, My children, because through your prayer the Father always takes care of you.
Your prayer restrains the most evil deeds and changes what has already been threaded!
You must pray, My children, for the conversion of your politicians! Europe is in GREAT NEED, but most of its population is blind to the truth!
You must pray, My children, that Christian leaders lead your countries, and such who are true and faithful children of My Son!
Pray for your countries, My children, because soon you will not be able to help each other (country by country)!
Pray so that God the Father will continue to hold back the worst!
Pray so that you may continue to have a say - at least in part - that your "Christian" rights may be preserved, for you are threatened with communism if you do not pray, My children.
The persecution of Christians will expand if you do not pray!
My Son is hated by those who flood your countries, therefore pray, My children, for Christian leaders, for peace in your countries, as well as in the whole world!
Ask the Father daily for stop and protection from evil! God the Father is Almighty, and in HIS Omnipotence HE will help you, but you must pray, dear children, and respect HIS commandments! You must attend Holy Mass where it is still possible, and honor His Son!
Adoration is holy. Use it, My children, because there you are so close to My Son!
Pray, My children, pray, because there, where you choose, Jesus must lead you! So confused are you by your media, so mendacious are parties presented to you.
The devil knows all the tricks, and be sure he uses them!
Call on the Holy Spirit for clarity, My children! Without the clarity of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of My Son, you will be lost in the devil's web of lies.
Pray now, My children, for your prayer is urgent. Amen.
I love you, My children, be sure that the Father hears you, but you must pray. Amen.
With love, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is extremely important. Amen.
Source: ➥