Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
You do not yet know how great is the wrath of the Father!
- Message No. 874 -

My child. Tell the children of the world to pray. Only through your prayers can you still avert greatest evils and disasters, for the Father's wrath will soon break loose, and woe to those who are not faithful to Jesus, woe to those who are devoted to the devil, woe to those who are lukewarm, woe to those who have not confessed Jesus, have not prepared, have not trusted in the Holy Word, have blasphemed and blasphemed Jesus!
O children, you do not yet know how great is the wrath of the Father!
Fear it, for nothing is greater than the wrath of the Lord, the Father, YOUR CREATOR, who has to see you disrespecting, dishonoring His Son, desecrating His Holy Body, disrespectful and fearless of Him!
Be warned, for the wrath of the Lord and Father is great! It will overtake youas soon as it breaks loose, and NOBODY will be able to hide from it! Do not fear the evils of the world, for they are nothing against the wrath of the Father, whose measure is now full and His wrath will come upon the earth!
Fear, children, for the powers are great, which will break loose, and only those who sincerely love Jesus and are obedient will survive these powers!
Do not fear the world of the devil, but fear your God! With prayer you stop the devil, his evil deeds, because the Father protects you!
So fear HIM, your Creator, for the measure is full, and when mercy gives way to justice, woe to him who has not confessed Jesus, has not repented of his sins, has not purified himself!
Woe to him, who has lived far from God and has not obeyed His commandments or Jesus' teachings!
Woe to himwho has not established himself in Jesus, forhe will "perish" twice! Lost to the Adversary, enslaved, lied to and used, and lost in the wrath of God, from which there is no escape once mercy gives way to justice!
Make Jesus your friend NOW, otherwise you will be lost, because soon the end will break over you, and the "light of God" you will lose. There will be no second chance for you, so be smart and prepare.
Consider well where you want to "live." In eternal darkness in torture and anguish and pain, or in the light of the Lord that gives you peace and an eternity of happiness and fulfillment.
Do not be foolish! Do not throw away your eternity!
Choose well, My children! Only Jesus is your way, there is no other. So run to HIM, confess to HIM and give HIM your YES, so that you will not be lost and no wrath of God may strike you.
Think no longer, but confess, My children. A YES is enough to take the first step. Amen. So be it.
We Saints are at your service, but you must ask Us in prayer for help. Amen.
In love, your Bonaventure, who looks sadly at you children of the earth, so clouded, so veiled, so lost are you that you do not see the truth, so many suffer because they do not know Jesus, others joyfully head for hell, still others are in bondage to the devil- children, you are "digging your own grave"!
Find Jesus, because only HE is your way. Amen.
Source: ➥