Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, February 21, 2015 soon as they have introduced the new missals.... !
- Message No. 851 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: You must rise up, and you must confess, for if My Son is now "removed" from your churches, woe to him who is not established in Jesus, has not confessed in time, and accepts the "new-style" Masses as "My Son's true Mass"! Jesus will be taken from you, removed from the Holy Eucharist!
Unholy and irreverent you are already dealing with HIM today, but, My beloved children, HE IS PRESENT IN EVERY WALK, with Body and Blood, but HE will be taken from you here too, as soon as they have introduced the new missals and the "holy words" are replaced by "meaningless" ones!
My children. Be warned, because this is only the beginning! As soon as Jesus is no longer present in the consecration, the Mass will lose its sanctity and value before God! Peu à peu, the evil one will creep in and, in the end, will be worshiped, and this, My beloved children, you must not allow!
You must not take part in such masses, for you are worshipping the wrong one! So stay away and celebrate ONLY with Jesus' faithful priests, who very soon will have to celebrate Mass outside the Church and in secret.
Children, honor My Son and have respect for HIM! The Holy Host must not be distributed by laymen, even if this "relaxation" comes from the highest Church authority! Only an ordained priest of My Son is worthy to hold it in his hands. But NO other may touch it, who is not a consecrated one of My Son!
My children. Do not profane the Holy Body of My Son! Remain faithful to HIM and do NOT accept ANY NEW! God's Word is holy, and IT MUST NOT BE CHANGED, just as the HOLY MESSRITUAL MUST NOT BE CHANGED. Amen. So be it.
Keep away where My Son is no longer worshipped. Amen.
I love you and I suffer with you who are faithful and devoted to My Son. Hang in there, My children. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥