Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Make a mark peacefully! - Draw attention to it!
- Message No. 848 -

My child. My dear child. Please write, My daughter, for Our Word must be heard. Thank you.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Arise and pray for your brothers and sisters in the Lord who have to endure so much suffering just because they love My Son, follow Him and are faithful and devoted to Him!
My children. Rise up for your brothers and sisters in the Lord, who are "slaughtered", who are kidnapped, sold, enslaved and mistreated, because they are Jesus' faithful children, who are put into inhuman "conditions" without reason and without rights, without their own fault, without "punishments", and only because they love My Son!
Stand up, My children, and rise up for them! Do something for them! Pray for them! Call for prayer for them! Do not allow ANYONE to defend them!
You must "save" them, My children, from these abuses that are most brutal and cruel, and not just close your eyes and ears and think "that's so far from here"! NO! Stand up and move something!
Don't be overrun by fanatical, hateful extremists who are contaminated by the devil, but fight back by setting signs, calling for prayer and raising your voice for them!
Don't pick fights and start agitations, but pray, My children, and draw attention! So much is "swept under the rug," but when you join together, you ARE making a difference!
Prayer is strong! Your prayer is strong! And where there is united prayer for your brothers and sisters in the Lord out of love for My Son, you are moving something, you are setting signs and awakening many more hearts to join in and move even more!
If you don't do anything, if you just let it happen, then you too will be overrun by a wave of hatred that will give more and more power to the devil!
My children. Pray and be always in love! If you fight hatred with hatred, you create strife, you create unrest and you stir up discord.
So always remain in love for My Son and do not let yourselves be provoked. Set an example peacefully, but never with hatred and anti-campaigns.
My children. I love you. Hang in there and pray for your brothers and sisters in the Lord. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥