Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Your lukewarmness will be your downfall!
- Message No. 844 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and hear what I, your loving Father in Heaven, have to say to the children of the earth today: Your lukewarmness will be your downfall, for you do not confess Jesus, do nothing for your salvation, live as if My Son did not exist, and look out only for your own advantage, and do not see what it is to be a Christian!
My children. To be a Christian means to follow Jesus! I.e. you must respect His teachings, and you must pass them on! You must be an example for others, e.g. your children and those who are not Christians because they don't know Jesus, were brought up in other religions or don't believe at all!
You must be a shining, radiant glimmer of hope to them, so that they can ORIENT themselves to you, and you must obey My commandments, because a Christian who does not do this is NOT an example to others, nor is he a true Christian!
He is lukewarm, and this lukewarmness, his lukewarmness, will cause him to perish, for he does nothing to please Jesus, nor does he allow HIM, HIS SAVIOUR, to share in his life. He does not live with Jesus! He does not follow HIM and does not live according to HIS teachings and does not keep MY commandments.
My children. THIS IS NOT THE WAY! You must stand up and truly confess, because if you do not, you are not worthy to call yourselves Christians! You are Christians on paper, but not in word and deed, and your example is disastrous!
So turn around and live like that, what it means to be a true Christian, because as Christians you live with Jesus! HE is part of your life, and your life "builds on HIM "!
So surrender yourselves to My Son, your Jesus, and become true Christians of the Lord!
Who thinks that baptism, communion and possibly confirmation are enough to enter My Kingdom of Heaven, is mistaken!
So now live as true and pious Christians and do not inflict more suffering on My Son by your lukewarmness. Amen.
The end is near, My children, and whoever dwells in lukewarmness will not be worthy of Jesus! The New Kingdom will not be given to him, for he will perish unless he begins to become a true Christian. Amen.
Do not rest on your "I am a Christian", for he who does nothing for it will perish. Amen.
It is lukewarmness, YOUR lukewarmness, that deeply hurts My Son. Amen.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
All My children I love, but for your salvation you are responsible. Amen.
My gates of heaven are open to everyone who confesses Jesus and gives HIM his sincere YES. Amen.
Convert, My children, it is not too late. Amen.
Source: ➥