Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Do not be afraid, but trust in Me!
- Message No. 813 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: Dark times are coming your way, but if you are firmly anchored in Me, your Jesus, you have nothing to fear.
The "cruelest times" will not last long, My Father will not allow that. Therefore, give yourselves completely to Me and let yourselves be guided and do not take any steps without "consulting" the Holy Spirit (= praying for clarity and guidance).
Please trust, My children, because I AM your way to glory. I will come to redeem you, but you must first give yourselves completely to Me, say/repeat daily the Consecration Prayer No.31 and trust completely in My and the Father's Providence.
My children. Those of you who have the opportunity: Plant medicinal plants and vegetables. Familiarize yourselves with the remedies that you find in nature, because more and more you are denied access to effective medicines that are UNHARMFUL for you.
Use the healing power that the Father gives you in nature and provide yourselves with fresh fruits and vegetables. Share with your brothers and sisters who do not have the opportunity to grow their own, and establish a network among yourselves to provide for each other.
DON'T PUT IT ON THE INTERNET, and don't use any other propa- ganda opportunities of modern times, because: The Evil One controls you there, therefore use only safe means of passing it on, such as word of mouth, meetings of like-minded people, etc.
Please listen to My word, because whoever uses the Internet for this can be responsible for the downfall of many believing children! Do not take My word lightly, because you are closer to the end than you can believe.
Prepare yourselves, My beloved children, and trust. I will come to conquer, and the time of My New Kingdom will dawn. All of you who are faithful and devoted to Me, I will take with Me. So hold on a little longer, My children, and get ready.
Use the prayers in these and other messages and always pray when We call you. The devil is more active than ever, for he now wants to exercise his power over all of you. This he does by conjuring up his plans through his elite and henchmen - in dark masses of satanic worship and "offerings" - and having them implemented. But, My beloved children, hold all your prayers against it!
Therefore, use prayer and pray in the night when We call you! Ask your Holy Guardian Angel to keep up the prayer by continuing to pray with you, your soul, when you are tired and/or distracted.
Pray, My children. My Holy Angels and the Saints of the Communion of Saints are praying with you! Ask them, and they unite their prayer with yours!
My children. The end is near, but soon it will be accomplished. Do not fear, but trust in Me. I, your Jesus who loves you so much, come to redeem you. Amen. So be it.
With deep love.
Your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty and Savior of the world. Amen.
"Those you cannot plant yourselves, hoard supplies of edibles and drinking water. Amen."
Source: ➥